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Ever felt  like you learned something valuable and suddenly it just vanishes away? How about everything that you ever dreamed or hoped for-gone before your eyes and you feel like punching a wall? 

How about realizing the world that you live in is full of evil and corruption, more corruption than you ever thought of? What if the thing that made you feel free and be who you are got ripped away from you?

Well that's where I'm at right now. Just in this world that hates me. Everything I do is never good enough. I'm just never good enough and I feel like this whole world is against me.

So even though I feel so stuck right now, I learned many things over these past two weeks.

First It has been a year since this book started!

Anyway back to the point. 

I came to the fact that my thinking was all wrong. I guess I lived in my  own small world that is just secluded with goodness and almost no pain or suffering that I was blinded to the truth. 

The sad truth, the truth that the world pretty much hates my race-- sure, sure, there are people that love my people, but there are also some who don't give two grains.

Did you know that when the terrorist attack happened in Italy, there was also an attack that happened in Africa and no one payed much attention to it? 

You wanna know why? 

 Ohhhhhhh, you just won't believe it?! 

It's because they weren't white.

Now, I'm not one of those people who blames everything on race. So I noticed this little thing and I decided to ask my teacher why the news didn't pay much attention to it and gave all the compassion towards Italy.

When I asked and student immediately shouted, "It's because they aren't white!"

So, I was kind of taken aback by this comment and almost didn't believe until I looked at my teacher, she nodded and told me it was the truth. 

Now, she's white, and I have the utmost respect for her and she continued on tell the class that race is the reason why the news doesn't focus on any non-white terrorist attack or whatever- and not just black people. 

Remember Turkey? Yeah, well they weren't white either and the news still didn't care.

What baffles me is that our world is full of HYPOCRISY!!!!! 

Like come on! For real though, you tell us that we are over racism and that everyone is equal and all that nonsense and yet you don't try to correct your errors. If we are over racism, we should be over it and treat people equally. Giving everyone an equal chance.

I swear God is the only one that gives everyone a fair chance. I love you Jesus.

Now onto that hypocrisy is parents. They tell us not to do certain things. For instance, talk when someone is talking. Yet when you as a child is speaking they speak over you.

I believe you should do as you teach. It's rude to talk over anyone. And now since I was spoken over, do you really think I'm gonna respect what you told me? Hell no!

Your actions speak louder than words.

So over the past few weeks my family somehow came together. Let's just say everything was not so peachy.Therefore, I observed everyone and thankfully through all this problems that got resolved I have learned some life lessons:

1. Don't take everything someone says personally. If you don't care it makes them feel stupid. Makes you seem like what they say have no importance. When you take things personally, you not only waste your time but hurt yourself by putting yourself down. And it can make you do stupid things that makes you look like a ignorant fool.

2. Be careful with your words. I have been knew this but my family proved it to me even more.Any little thing you say can be taken in a negative way and can be used against you. Sometimes to get your way you need to be extremely picky with your words. It can get you out of a lot of stuff...trust me.

3. Rejection can humble you and make you happy. Does that even make sense?
It can make you happy because after you have been rejected you learn the only person you should aim to please is yourself. It makes you not feel so important to yourself. Humbling you.

4. Do exactly as your gut feeling tells you. It can stop you from wasting precious time and make you happier.

5. Don't let everyone's opinion and advice get to you to the point where you feel you can't be yourself.

6. Alone time is very Important. It let's you connect with yourself and live the life you dream.

7. Spend time with the people who are important to you. I don't know how explain this but its good .

8. Do your homework because you don't want to do it last minute and fail. Plus, you won't feel pressured.

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