Invisible 1/4/16

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As you already know- or if you don't, I don't really like my school. And for once I felt invisible for a little while on the first day of school this year. Sure, at first I resented it, but then I saw the glory... ohh the sweet glory of being invisible. To bad it was short-lived ;(  Btw, Happy New Year. ;)

What am I suppose to do?

Bear the pain,

And just sit there?

Am I suppose to smile and greet

While getting ignored?

This is suppose to be a new year with a new beginning

Maybe this is a good thing,

Just be invisible for the rest of the year??

Maybe people will leave  me alone

Then I will be at peace

Maybe I should be thankful

Because No one will bother me?

I'm all alone in this hallow, stupid space

I miss those memories

Those ones when you're with friends 

And people who actually like you

Those times where I'm at peace with myself


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