Colorism and Boys-Slavery

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What do they want?
I don't know why, but I seem to believe there's some type of secret plan or motive. Maybe I am just paranoid...

When it comes to color and boys, things can go from extreme to rational.

There's two types of extreme. First, the fetish kind- typical white boy that just date black girls because, they're "exotic" or just because they are black. I'm not saying all white boys are like that, but some definitely are. I've been woken up by some YouTubers, who seem to have the opinion that some white men or women thinking stems from slavery. That they would only want to have relations to assert their "authority", because there have been online blogs that relate to such things. Kinda distasteful. The other type is extreme hatred, which can come from black men themselves. They would hate and bully girls because, maybe their skin was "too dark". There's colorism in the black community, especially at the hands of Willie Lynch (might take a picture of the web page for you). He gave a speech on how to separate and divide the slaves, messing with them phycologically and physically. It is entirely manipulative and evil.

Anyway, back to the point, I am hesitant to boys because like I said some might have other goals. It scares me.

Plus the ones I come across at school seems to believe that I am too independent. Hey! I thought I wasn't independent enough! It's kinda crazy. Maybe I'll just because a nun or refrain for the rest of my life. Who knows?!

This is the speech if you wanna check it out (though I doubt any of you are still reading this):

This is the speech if you wanna check it out (though I doubt any of you are still reading this):

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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