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There is a site that sends me motivational stories. And today I want to share one with you.

" Did you know that scientist still
haven't been able to figure out the
number of possible combinations of DNA
molecules? The best they've been able to
do is provide an estimate: 2.4 billion
to the power of 10!

That's an incredible number when you
consider that the possible combinations
of all particles in the universe amount
to only 76 to the power of 10!

As you can see, that is vastly less
than the possible combinations DNA,
which form your identity.

So scientifically speaking, you are
unique! There's no chance of ever
finding another person exactly like you
on the planet.

And you can also be sure that there
never has been - and never will be - two
identical human beings in the entire

So why waste time and energy trying to
fit into a mould? To be like someone
else? You are unique, and thus radically
different, no matter what you think and
no matter what you do.


A good friend of mine says that most
people are sick. They've got a
"normosis" - a type of neurosis. They
try to be "normal". Are you trying to be
normal, Deb?


The best cabinet makers always work in
the same direction as the grain of the
wood, never against it. You should do
the same. When you have to do something
that doesn't fit with your personality,
that goes against your 'grain' (against
your inner beliefs), you always feel it
and should simply say "no".

Stay unique and always refuse to do
anything that may destroy your beautiful
sense of unity.


"There is One, the source, that which
has no beginning and no end, which
created all things, which governs all
things, which is good and just, and
which illuminates and supports our
Hermes Trimagistus


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