Small Bump - Part Two

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WARNING: This gets very sad.

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I can't believe I had just done it. I had just given birth to my daughter. 

This feeling was sureal. It was like I'd waited my whole life for this moment, and, before, I'd never thought I'd want children. Now I felt like I wanted more. Of course, I'd have to wait because I was only a teenager and couldn't possibly raise two children at once. But that was fine. Zayn and I could wait. 

Ah, Zayn and I. We were new parents. We-or still prohaps Harry and I- had just brought joy into the world through a child. Zayn'd always talked about settling down before this mess had ever started. When we first started dating, he used to tell me how one day he'd make me his princess and buy a huge mansion for us to raise our future children. At the time I think we both figured this day would come much later in life, but things don't always work out the way you want them. Sometimes bad things happen when you least expect them and end up turning into the greatest moment in your life. 

I couldn't tell you how thrilled I had been when they wheeled me back to my room. I was still a little sore after  being stitched up, but I had expected that as soon as I had awoken after the C-Section. I had drifted off after being given too much of the medicine, so I didn't remember a thing. They had already taken the baby out by that time and said I could see her later.

I was wheeled through the door by the pretty nurse named Karla and the other two, Mae and Jared. I had a smiling look on my face. I was told Zayn would be waiting in the room for me when I got back, but, as the nurses set my bed into place, I did not expect to see someone else there too. Three someone elses.

"Liam! Danielle! Eleanor!" I could hardly believe they had shown up. I hadn't seen them in months. Not since that incident at the hotel, I believe. I still couldn't think straight from the medicene. 

Everyone excluding Zayn looked at me solemnly. Zayn had his face in his hands, obviously upset over something. Danielle and Eleanor were both rubbing his shoulders out of a seeming comfort. Were those tears rolling down his cheek? I couldn't see him very well, but it sure looked to be so.

It wasn't just Zayn. As I looked at each person in the room, I saw red, puffy eyes and wet faces. They were all crying. Liam slowly came and sat in the chair next to my bed. I paid little attention to this action because I was busy trying to get a glimpse of Zayn.

"Why are you all here?" I asked puzzled. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?"

Liam placed his hand on mine and squeezed. He stayed gazing into my eyes, not in a romantic way but more sympathetic. He always was the sympathetic one. 

"Kate, something horrible has happened," he said. He took a deep sigh and looked away at the wall. I could tell he didn't want to say what he was about to say next, but he knew he had to. "Kate, the baby-"

"Guys were back with some food from the vending machine," came a voice bursting in. This cut off Liam's words and left me hanging for the next part. It was Niall followed by Louis. They were carrying two armfuls of junk food. Niall began passing cookies and M&M's and other treats out to everyone in the room. He even tried to give Zayn one, but Zayn didn't even look up at him. Danielle had to shoo him away.

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