Chapter 8

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Ok I am kinda mad right now. Almost all of my descriptions of my stories disappeared once again. I rewrote them all then once I saved, its just gone AGAIN. Then also this Chapter 8 disappeared too! Along with some drafts of my stories! Like, Wattpad wtf?! This is why I hate Wattpad sometimes -.- So Im going to rewrite everything again and copy them and save them to my clipboard just in case they disappear.... AGAIN. Anyways, enjoy the story!

~Elina's PoV~

"Dont forget to visit us!" Mirajane yelled as everyone waved towards me. I smiled, nodded and waved to everyone. I then turned towards the portal and immediately got sucked in once again. This time, it was just me going back, of course Happy should stay with Natsu since their partners and all.

I opened my eyes and found that I was standing at the same spot where I performed the spell to transport back to Fiore. I looked up and found that it was already getting dark. I still have time to ask the Hokage, I hope he's not busy....

I quickly jogged towards the Hokage's office but was stopped when I saw sand crawling into an alleyway. I raised an eyebrow and followed it. It must be Gaara! I know its his sand. I followed the sand into the dark alleyway. What stopped me was blood under my greaves.

I slowly looked up. I stiffened, my eyes widened in horror as a terrified look dawned my face. Blood was splattered everywhere, limbs and organs also. Leaf headbands and Sand headbands lay on the ground, torned and bloody.

"W-w-what.... W-w-who....." I couldnt finish my words. I was terrified, terrified to see this in front of me. It was horrifying.... I couldnt scream, I wanted to but it seemed that my voice was stuck in my throat.

My knees buckled under me then I lay on the ground on my knees. Staring at the disgusting sight in front of me in pure horror. I shook violently in fear. Why....? Who would have done this?!

~Gaara's PoV~

My thirst for blood had been satisfied once again after killing those Leaf and Sand ninjas. Blood was splattered on my cheek as I looked down at the mess I have made. Blood, limbs and organs were splattered everywhere in the dark alleyway where I have killed them.

I heard footsteps so I hid in the shadows. My eyes widened when I saw it was Elina. She froze, her eyes widened in horror like the terrified expressions of my victims. She was frozen in place as she continued to stare at my mess, terrified.

What would she think of me now after she saw this....? Will she be like everyone else? Call me a monster and run away from me.

"Hmph. Of course she would be like everyone else! She doesn't know what you can do when we first met her. But now that she saw this, she will completely change her mind about you. She'll be terrified of you, she will hurt you, betray you and try to get away from you at all cost. She was never you're friend!" Shukaku growled at me. Was she never my friend...? After thise threats that I gave her, she still stood close to me and ignored those threats, and she also called me her friend....

Will she.... accept me for what I am after what I have done....? A monster.... A bloodthirsty murderer.... I then stood out of the shadows, Elina's eyes slowly looked up at me then towards my cheek that was splattered in blood.

"You.... Dont tell me...." Elina stuttered in a whisper. She shakingly stood up and leaned on the wall for support. "Why....? Why would you... do this...?" She asked, still terrified and I can feel her fear. She shakingly took a few steps back as she stared at me with wide fearful eyes. Please.... dont run away....

"I have learned to derive pleasure and kill those who pose as a threat of my existence. I desire to kill, to kill everyone who have come near me...." I answered as I heard her breath hitched. "To shed the blood of my victims are the satisfaction of my bloodthirst and of the demon sealed inside me...."

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