... Babies

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What were The Beatles like as babies?

John: the cheeky, fun-loving baby who only makes a fuss when he's tired and cranky

Paul: the cutie-patootie baby who absolutely loves being held and cuddled

George: the silent, somber baby who only cries when he's hungry or needs changing

Ringo: the little blue-eyes baby who finds everything hilarious and giggles all the time

What do The Baby Beatles get up to in the playroom?

John: *bashing building blocks and making a lot of unneeded noise*

Paul: *sucking up to George's big sister, batting his long eyelashes and whining for a cuddle*

George: *trying to pull Paul away from his sister, and then cries for a bottle*

Ringo: *obliviously sucking his binky and cuddling Inky, his toy octopus*

First words?

John: "Ploopy!" *giggles*

Paul: "Mama!"

George: "Cookie!"

Ringo: "Ockypus!"

(Thanks to VictonieCresta012 for suggesting this chapter!)

(I DO NOT own the photo at the top of the screen!)

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