... Air Hostesses

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What would The Beatles be like as air hostesses?

John: *gets extremely impatient with indecisive passengers; flings bags of peanuts at them if they take too long to decide what drink they want*

Paul: *flaunting himself in his fancy new uniform*

George: *eats all the airline snacks before he gets to serve them*

Ringo: *trips over his serving cart; lands face-first into a random woman's chest*

Likely to hear?

John: "In case of an emergency, place the breathing masks over the face of your small child, then attend to yourself. If you're travelling with more than one child, pick your favourite."

Paul: "Oh my God, these heels really accentuate my calf muscles! And this little hat looks absolutely fabulous on me!"

George: "Attention passengers. Apparently, there is a mysterious peanut thief present on the aircraft. Hide yo' peanuts! Hide yo' snacks, cos he's eating everything!"

Ringo: *desperately trying to apologize to the boyfriend of the woman whose chest he collided with*

(Thanks to Loucie1012 for suggesting this chapter!)

(Sandwich Points go to... Queen2112! Congratulations!)

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