Chapter 8

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A/N Okay, hello guys! I can't believe I've got three hundred reads, so thank you so much. Also, I just wanted to apologise for my lack of updates on this fanfic! I have had really bad writers block for this story, and I tried to push through, but it really wasn't working, so I took a break. Now, though, I'm back and I'm going to update every Monday, or more frequently if possible. I have a plan for the rest of this story, and it should be about 5 - 10 chapters more, but we'll see!

Sorry for the extremely long authors note, ily all! Xxx


Three weeks later and we are finally allowed to leave the ward, and go to our home. I am anxious, heart pounding in my chest as we step out of the hospital and into the streets. Four has his arm wrapped securely around my shoulders, and I know he is nervous too, he has been grinding his teeth in his sleep.

"Jeez!" Four says quietly, looking up to see skyscrapers bigger than I have ever seen before. The glass giants rise up, and I am pretty sure they would touch heaven, if it existed. My jaw drops as I glance around, seeing modes of transport I no longer know the name for. Heck, I didn't even know the name for the weird hovercraft things we were ushered into, as if we were tourists. I sure feel like a tourist.

"Sit here please, then we'll take you to your home." A brown haired man says, showing us two seats in the centre of the vehicle. I sit down, staring out of the window, completely overwhelmed. Soon, we set off, travelling quickly through the wide streets. I can't speak, let alone converse with Four, who is gripping my hand so tightly it feels like it will fall off. His eyes are wide open, staring out of the window as well.

Just moments later, and we arrive. Out of the window there is a pretty garden of green grass and flowerbeds, and a modern yet rustic two storey house, that looked very homely. We step out tenderly, my fingers brushing the flowers that reach my hip whilst my other hand grips Four's. He looks down at me as we walk up the path, and I return the nervous smile he gives as we reach the front door.


A few hours filled with instructions and forms later, and four and I are sat on the double bed in the modestly sized bedroom, with an en suite attached. Aside from this, the house also has a living room, a kitchen/diner, a utility room and porch, a nursery room and a bathroom. It's so strange, Four and I are so unused to luxury, and the stark contrast combined with a long day had made us exhausted, so we both change into clean pyjamas and get ready for bed.

"Tris?" He asks me, and I turn to him, seeing a face filled with worry.

"Yes? You okay babe?"

"Can you promise me something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Everything here is so new, and strange. Just promise me that no matter what, we'll always stay together. I can't live without you." He swallows, and his eyes water.

I answer I the only way that feels right, by kissing him, our lips touching like a beacon of hope in a maelstrom of clouds and thunder. Our hearts rock together in this uncertain world, and as we pull apart, he rests his hands on my stomach, where a bump is starting to make an appearance.

"How far along are you now?" I think back, trying to recall what the doctors said.

"About 11 weeks, wow. It doesn't feel like three months since we, you know..." I blush a little, and Four chuckles, leaning in and kissing the tip of my nose.

"Hey, so I might call Sam, the doctor from the hospital, and see if she can talk us through how stuff works here. She said she would help us, and to be honest I think we're going to get a bit overwhelmed if we try to work it out on our own."

"Sounds good, maybe wait till tomorrow though, it's quite late now."

"Yeah, I'm gonna sleep now. Love you."

"I love you too" 

We get under the covers, drifting together into a dreamless sleep.


When I wake, Four is no longer lying next to me. I stretch out, calming the knot of worry that seems to be permanently in my stomach, and grab my dressing gown, wrapping it around myself as I go to find him. He's in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee, and looks so peaceful it makes my heart warm. I rest my hand on my bump, and I feel so excited about when the baby will be born, I can't wait!

"How long have you been watching me?" He lifts me out of the daydream with a jolt, and I feel nervous, until he laughs.

"Sorry, just, it's all so different."

"Tris baby it's fine. You know, I called Sam and she says she'll come over in about an hour, so maybe we should get ready and stuff."

"Okay, see you in a bit." I say, and go take a shower, and wash my hair. After I'm done, I dry my hair, and pull it into a messy high ponytail. Then, I take it out, and leave it hanging over my shoulders. My family would be disgraced if they saw me like this. Then, I apply a little make up, and smile at myself in the mirror. I hear the doorbell ring, and Tobias answers it warmly. 

"Hey Sam! You alright?" I say as I head into the kitchen where Tobias and Sam are sat around the table, drinking tea. I pour myself a cup, and join them.

"Hey Tris, nice to see you again." Sam says to me, and then she begins to tell us all about life here. We listen, enthralled as we learn about everything: from taxes to celebrities; from laws to movies.

We are halfway through learning about the geography when her phone rings. She apologizes, and goes and answers it in another room. A few minutes later, she comes back, and her eyes are red, like she's been crying.

"Is everything okay?" I say, standing up to help her. She brushes me off, and sits down, putting her head in her hands. She takes a moment to compose herself, and looks up.

"I'm fine. I'm in this political group, we call ourselves the Snakes, just ignore the name. There's some bad shit going on with the current government, and I wasn't going to tell you - I didn't want you to have someone's opinion forced upon you - but some bad stuff has happened, and we need all the help we can get. You don't have to help, but I should tell you what's going on anyway."

"Okay, go on." Four speaks slowly, looking dubious.

"Okay, so I have been angry about the way this current government works for a while. Their leader, President John Ridgeworth, has been corrupt for a long time. We first tried to stop him by peaceful means, that's what we've been doing up until now, but I just found out that he killed our leader, Josh. We need all the help we can get to get justice. There's a meeting at 6, here's the location. I'll let them know you're coming."

"I'm not sure... We just got out of a political mess, I don't want to go into another. We have the baby to think about now." Four says, and I nod, making eye contact and smiling slightly in agreement.

"You don't have to join, just come along, please. It would be good to see more people there."

"Okay, we'll come."

"Great! I'd best be off now, but I'll see you later." She smiles, and hugs us before leaving.

What the hell are we getting ourselves into?

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