Chapter 9

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A/N Okay, so I'm horrible, and sorry for the next (and final) few chapters.


"I'm not sure about this." Four says angrily under his breath, as we enter the meeting room. The people sat in there stare confused at us, muttering under their breath about us. Four wraps his hand nervously around my shoulders, and I take a relaxing breath in and out, and we go and sit in one of the seats that are in a circle. Fortunately, there are two next to each other, and we take our seats, waiting nervously for it to begin.

"Tris, hi!" I look round to see Sam calling over to us, we wave back, and she stands up and walks to the middle of the circle.

"Hello everyone. Before we begin, I would like to introduce some new potential members, this is Tris and Tobias."

A smattering of awkward but enthusiastic applause follows, with some murmurs of acknowledgement. I smile kindly, waving hello.

"Yes, well, I hope you all welcome them, we need everyone we can get at the moment. Okay, let's get to business! Now, we did all hear of the very sad loss of our close friend and accomplice Josh. I know how good of a leader he was, and he will be missed by everyone. Also, it highlights the importance of our campaign. We cannot let this stop us, stop the revolution. We need a new plan, and I'll hand you over to Rick, who has a new idea." 

"Thank you Sam." Rick stands up, and I see his resemblance to Eric immediately, not just from his stature, but also from his attitude. I hear an annoyed grunt from Four, and nudge him, telling him to behave.

"Well, I have an idea for a new mission to take over the government. We know now that they know about us, and that they are trying to take us down, but we have to retaliate. We have to kill the President, John Ridgeworth."

"But how? We don't even have our leader any more?" A voice pipes up, and he pauses, deep in thought.

"Now, this is where it gets interesting. We made the mistake of being too public last time. We were out in the open, and we ended up being tracked down by the government. Now, we need new faces to carry out the plan. We need people who won't be spotted."

"You mean us." Four says through gritted teeth. 

Anger surges through me at the prospect of being dragged back into an illegal mess. Why can't society just work? 

"Well, we wouldn't expect you to decide now, but this is so important to the future, we need a stable government who aren't corrupt." Sam speaks up, and my mind is torn. This is my child's future, and I can't do nothing.

"We'll do it." I say, and instantly feel Four's eyes on me, burrowing into my skin. I should have probably discussed this with him first.

"Amazing! Thank you, Tris and Four, and thank you everyone for coming to the meeting. We intend to have completed our plan by the next meeting, so we will see you soon, when we are free!"

Cheers erupt, and the swarm of people standing up surge around us, slapping both of us on the back. 

Suddenly, my mind starts to haze. I stumble, feeling overwhelmed as the people crowd us, and I reach out for Four's arm, but I can't find him. My vision is all blurry, and I cry out as the world turns black and I feel myself fall.


I hear voices, but they don't make any sense. My head feels groggy, and I open my eyes, instantly regretting it as the bright light breaks my warm abyss of sleep. Two faces hover over my head, and as I begin to be able to see again, I notice it is Four and Sam.

"What happened?" My voice is almost unrecognisable, and I try to sit up, failing miserably. They help me sit, and it's then I look around, and see Four's face is stained with tears. 

Why am I in a hospital?


He looks at me with such sadness that tears form in my own eyes, and I dread his response.

"Tris, I. You." He rakes his hands through his hair, and breathes out quickly, taking hold of my hands. 

He kisses me on the head, taking me into his strong arms, and I grasp at him. I cling to his strong frame, hearing the gentle thud of his heart as tears run down my face. He is my constant, always there, breathing, living. We kiss, our mouths frantically colliding, as his hands clasp at my face. We feel so close, but I still feel scared.

"Please." I speak as he pulls away. "What's going on?" 

"Tris, You've been in a coma. When you fainted, well, we couldn't wake you up again. We brought you in, and..." Sam says professionally, her mask only lapsing at the end. 

"How long have I been her?" I am frantic now, looking both of them in the eyes.

"Sam, I'm so sorry. It's been two months."

My heart skids to a juddering halt. Then, with slow, regretful realisation I look down. 

My bump is gone.

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