Chapter 1

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A/N hi so just to point it out again, this is set after insurgent but before Allegiant. So like there was no allegiant. Anyways, enjoy xx :)

(Tris POV)

I wake up, expecting to find the soft smell of Tobias' flat in Dauntless, with his arms locked protectively around me. However, No. I am alone, in the dauntless section of the refuge centre, outside the fence.

Since the storming, and Jeanine's death, it's all gone insane. the video, it showed us the light , and we could no longer be contained. We broke free, and Amity set up refuge centres for anyone who wanted them. It feels so strange , so different to before. We are the new people, unconfined by the factions, no rules. We are unstoppable. But if nothing can stop us, why do i feel so afraid.

I'm not the only one and I know it. Fear surges around us. It grips us, stabs at us like a knife. Fear of the unknown. Inside the large, canvas tent there are all the signs: a woman sat under a top bunk, nibbling her lip anxiously; children who once screamed and ran, now sit quietly; men pace the sandy floor. Fear is everywhere, but I'm no longer scared of it. Fear doesnt shut you down, it wakes you up, I hear Tobias' voice command in my mind. I step out from my bunk in the corner - shared with Christina and avoid the hateful glances as I step out into the blinding light.

"Tris? Over here." Uriah calls to my left. He's sat with Christina around a small fire. I don't know why they lit it though, even though last night was cold, the day is already very warm, and its only just noon. I guess it would make them feel safe. She hands me a tin of beans, with scrambled eggs inside. I feel my cheeks turn red as I remember when I last ate them, with Tobias when we were at least sort of okay.

"How'd you sleep?" Christina asks loudly, " cause you look kinda rough." I can feel the Candor coming through. " Oh and by the way Four is looking for you, I think he wants to talk about something?"

"Oh," I reply, slightly shakily. "Do you know what he wanted to speak about?"

"No, it seemed pretty important though, he never would have spoken to me if it was nothing."

I sigh nervously. I cant face Tobias after I betrayed him like that, it wont work out and I'll lose him. I can't lose the person I love most, but postponing a visit would make it worse. We've lied to much. Way too much...

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