Chapter 11

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A/N okay, so this is the final chapter of the story. I've kinda just run out of inspiration and ideas for it, plus I have another fanfic that I would prefer to focus on. I'm not really that happy about the writing in this, especially this chapter, but I felt like it just needs to be finished.
Also, thankyou to everyone who has read this and voted, ily all ❤️

Nothing can be fixed, but time is healing me just as it will heal us all.

Since that time on the roof, things are improving. We are happier, more stable. We live at home, safe in the warmth and secureness of it all. Things may be different but there is hope.

The government have been taken over by people who care, and who are improving things.

Also, we found out recently that I'm pregnant once again.

And so, I'm writing this message to my child, who I carry now.

Once, your father and I lived in a world full of categories and regimes and rules. The factions which were supposed to keep us safe tore the civilisation apart, and we were the only ones to escape. We were so lucky.

Then we came here, and found out about your older brother or sister. We were so excited, but it didn't work out because I was not healthy enough. The times were tough, with danger surrounding us in our minds and the world around us, but it is thanks to hope that we are here today; that you are here today.

Please remember this in your life, remember how lucky you are, and remember history.
And most of all, know that you are loved.

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