Chapter 3

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Tobias POV(yasssXD)

        God this place is confusing. I mean sure, we have just become a new community, we've broken through the fence, but I had no idea living without a faction would be so hard. We've all come together now, what's left of us, and we are trying to build a new city outside the fence. So far, we've travelled roughly 20 miles away from the old city. Each individual - or family/couple or whatever - has their own tent, a medium sized beige canvas item with a small fire, beds and a table and chairs. Also, there is the main tent, where we collect rations and wash. Tris and I have picked a tent together and set it up earlier today. It's slightly larger than a single tent, and we put it further away from the others. It's by a small woodland, similar to the one Tris and I made up in. 

        Inside the tent we moved the two single futons - these weird flat beds - together to make a cool double bed that lies in the left hand side of the tent, taking up roughly half of the space. The table lies across from the bed, and is oak and worn - but solid, with two matching chairs on opposite sides of it. The fire is set up inbetween, casting a cosy glow over the room.

      I wander over to Christina's tent, wondering where Tris is, she ought to know. I call out loudly, "Hello! Anyone there?"

        "Yeah, what do you want? Come in then Four." God the Candor in her! 

        Entering the room, I notice weirdly that Uriah is there too. They are both sat at a table, but the two beds in the room make me curious. Are they staying there together? Oh god, are they like, an item? they can't be, not after Will...

        "Ahem? Anyone there?" She says, waving her hands in my face.

        "Hey Four how's it goin?" Uriah asks, "Look Christina, I'll give you guys some privacy," He notices both our faces turning pink."Oh gawd you two have dirty minds!" He laughs, leaving the room.

        "So four, what did you wanna talk about then, I dont have all day!"

        "Do you know where Tris is? I've been looking for her!"

        "Nope sorry, I think she might be in the woods walking though, like you two were yesterday-" She says, laughing.

        "Wait, no , we didn't do that! You know her fears, she's scared of... intimacy." I say. Shit that was a mistake. When she finds out, well it'll be awkward.

        "Oh my God, really! Tris! She's scared of that! So you and her haven't! Oh poor Tris. Bless. Look, why don't I have a chat with her about it, I'm sure she'll come round if I, tell her the basics. I'm pretty sure they don't talk about that ish much in Abnegation, do they?"

        "Thhanks Christina. They don't really, to be honest... Look I'd better be off now."

        "Haha don't stress about it Four! I'm not promising anything, but she may feel more happy about stuff by the time I'm done with her!"

        "Right okaaay. Bye then! "I call and walk out, flabbergasted slightly at her openess. I hope she's not too, direct, with poor Tris. She'll find it embarrasing enough as it is!

A/N sorry bout this crapppy filler chapter! Better to come, promise... Ily all :)

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