I'm Sorry!

194 2 8

Italy: Ciao a quick little update. um..... a i don't have questions at the moment so yah.... aslo school has started up again for germany and I yes i know sadly its a rule we have if any of you are familiar with Gakuen.... if not then there is that. Also i got a new computer and my Fratello broke it so i have to get it fixed and put word on it. So I am sorry that i haven't been up to date lately and I really with you forgive us. We have a lot of work to do and I have promised a friend i would help them with their story and I need to edit it and I have a lot of classes this year being I'm trying to get most of my credits done my first 2 years. I was also busy this summer with family and a broke computer. Again I am sorry for letting all you lovely people down and I hope you all care. also I have an instagram and I'm working on a twitter and i think that might be easy for quick question answering.

Admin: also I am going to nebraskon this year so if any of you are going to go and you live in the area. I am going as Denmark and a friend of mine is going to me Norway hopefully! Nebraskon will be November 6th through the 8th  i will be going (most likely) on the 7th which is a saturday. anyways there is that for all of you lovely people. Again im sorry.

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