France has nothing to do with this.

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"Lights: He doesn't know. I hid them *giggles*

Juji: She hid the tapes very well *smirks*

((Lights is a girl))


Spain and Italy: *drop france*

Italy: Bella... The tapes.

Lights: no!

Italy: *starts chasing her with Romano both screaming profanities at her*

Spain: *joins them*

Germany: *sighs* I didn't zink zat zey could be zat bad...... Zis is vorse!

All three: *running screaming their native language profanities at Lights*

Romano: *screaming a mix of both Italian and Spanish at Lights*

Italy: *screams a mix of French and italian*

Spain: *pulls our battle axe*

Romano: *pulls out shot guns*

Italy: *pulls out throwing knives*

Germany: *eyes widden* Some one better not piss of Italian.... I zink he may turn into his 2p... But I can't be sure. Göttverdamnt lights!

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