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Lights: *coughs* thousands of copies *cough* *halberd at ready*

Jian: *takes out butcher knife* What you say?!

Juji: Don't underestimate Lights...


Spain: damn this girl isn't kidding around! *pulls out battle axe and in reads stance*

Romano: *still if fighting with Jain*

Italy: *growls* WHY CAN'T WE HAVE THE TAPES!!!!! WE ARE THE ONES IN THEM! FRANCE SHOULD HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BUT WHY YOU?!? I WILL KILL YOU! *throws a knife at Lights scraping her cheek* *smiles like a phycopath* next time Bella it will be your... *smile disappears* your forehead! *barks*

Romano: *knocks out Jain* woah what? Um.... Feli?

Italy: *stands in a fighting position and pulls out throwing knives* *eyes change from his Carmel to a deep blood red* HEY BELLA!!!! *barks* WHY DON'T YOU JUST NOT GIVE OR TELL ANYONE ABOUT THE TAPES AND I WON'T KILL YOU!

Spain: *stares at Italy in shock* um.... Feli? Are you ok? You don't look like yourself.

Germany: *curses under breath* Italy has turned 2p.

Romano: WHAT?!? DAMN YOU BELLA!!!!!!

Japan: *comes of nowhere holding the original and copies of tape* these are the real on- *stares at Italy in shock* what did you do? What happened to itary-kun?

Germany: he is 2p.

Japan: *curses under breath* I didn't come in time.

Germany: destroy the tapes in front of him and he will be fine.

Japan: ITARY!!!!

Italy:* turns head* What!?! *barks*

Japan: *deatroys the tapes*

Italy: *turns back to normal* *faints*

Germany: MIEN LIEBE! *runs and catches Italy and hold him bridle style* next time you hurt Italy...... Or cause him to do that..... I vill one shot kill all of jou!

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