
305 9 7

Hi I have a dare for ita and luddy can you be really France random in 3... 2... 1...


Italy: umm.... *starts to sing ah soul by Ashe*

Germany: what?!?

Italy: *blushing wile singing*

Germany: *takes Italy and kisses him*

Italy: moans*

Germany: *slams Italy into the bed*

Italy: *moaning in pain and pleasure*

Germany: hands move to Italy's thigh*

Italy: *hands move up Germany's chest*

Germany: *starts to rub Italy's thigh*

Italy: *hands move to Germany's back and starts to rub it and moves down to his butt and squeezes it*

Germany: *surprised moans*

Italy: *smirks and moves his hand to Germany's vital regions*

Germany; *moves Italy's hand away*

Italy: pulls away*

Both: *panting*

Germany: what is it with these people.

Italy; I don't know but I like it. *smiles*

Germany: you are in France mode aren't you.

Italy: maybe~.

Germany: *sighs*

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