Chapter 3 (continued)

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Voice: WARNIG!!! This chapter has alchohal, drunk people, suggestive yaoi, Italy, Germany, Prussia, Romano, Spain, dum stupid things, and please don't try at home! (Let's make this a game! If you follow the rules Germany gives you, you are ok and set to go! Under the drinking age is NOT ok! Please use pop or make a challenge for your self. If you get drunk I warned you! If you pass out! That's not good! Do NOT i repeat. DO NOT! Take more alchohal then needed! Countries can consume more alchohal then you so deal with it! You are not a country you are a human! Please don't break laws!)

Italy: so how are we going to do this?
Germany: drinking game?
Roma: I can drink more then you!
Spain: I don't think this has do deal with who can drink more.
Germany: vell ve got dared sooo jou guys don't have to do it.
Italy: OK RULES! *takes out a lot of drinks* when Romano cusses drinks, when Prussia is annoying drink, when I act firtiy with Germany drink, when Spain flirts with Romano drink, and when Germany yells or flirts with me drink.
Germany: REALLY!
Italy; everyone drink!
Romano: fucking kidding me!
Italy: make that two!
Spain: Romano~ calm down~ *said flirting*
Italy: three!!!
Germany: fine...
Everyone: *takes 3 big swigs* (idk!)
Italy: This is such a bad idea!
Germany: it's alright....
Romano: are you FUCKING kidding me!!!! (Caps is the count now! I am not doing more typing the I need to sorry finials makes me lazy!)
Germany: fine fine.

~~~~~many drinks later~~~~~~

Italy: to the swing!
Germany: *laughing so much falls over then runs out side*
Italy: *hops on the swing wile Germany starts to push*
Italy: WEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
Germany: *jumps on*
Italy and Germany: *make out on the moving tire swing*
Italy: *jumps off and starts doing flips over various objects*
Germany: *does the same*
Italy: *runs into the door trying to run into the house* ouch fucking hell!
Germany: *opens door and picks up italy* to the room!
Italy: the room!!!!!!!

Voice: the rest can not be put in this ask because of the content already in it... Please let your imaginations fly right here!

(Italy: hardest chapter ever!!!! Sorry it took forever it was a long wile to figure out what to do.)

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