No question today. Just randomness!

861 19 12

Italy: *walks to the computer in sweats* *looks at it hopefully then face contorts to sadness*

Germany: *walks in, in sweats as well* Italy, Mien Liebe vhat is vrong?

Italy: *sighs there is no question today! I was hoping for a question after the long meeting today! *whines*

Germany: ve can still talk to them...

Italy: so like do random things?

Germany: Ja....

Italy: we should play chubby bunny!

Germany: I rater not.... Last time we played that game Blackie decided to eat the marshmallows out of the trash.

Italy: that wasn't Blackie Germany...

Germany: vell who va- Oh GOTT I don't even want to know.

Italy: I watched that happen. *shutters*

???: *slides note under doot*

Germany and Italy: *turn heads to the door confused*

Germany: if zat is vest and he puts a creepy question I am going to kill him,

Italy: *giggles* *goes to the door and opens the note* it reads what is the most creepy song you have ever heard.... Oh I know this awnser! The most creepy song we have heard together was Septemer by TheLivingTombstone and the vocals are by Ashe!

Germany: I have listen to creepier songs then that Italian but yes together that was the only one.... GOTT VERDAMNT BRUDER!

Prussia: Vhat? *walks in room with his 5th beer*

Germany: VAIT is zat your 5th beer?

Prussia: *drunklu* I can hold my liquor well smexy pants.

Germany: *face palms* vhat vas rule 8 of vhat Prussia is not allowed to do.

Italy: Rule 8 is no getting drunk at meetings or at the house when Italy and Germany are wandering questions or hav-mmmffffp mmmffffp mfpppp. *mouth coveted by Germany*

Germany: enough said... Now out BRUDER!

Prussia: fine... Oh and Italy did I tell you how hot you are?! *walks out*

Italy: *blushes and shutters* *shakes head* *looks at the computer screen seeing an email* *gasps*

Germany: vhat a question?

Italy: from France! It reads... Italie et Allemagne. comment est la vie sexuelle? aussi l'Angleterre est d'être un bout de nouveau et e s'est pirate! pourquoi dois-je faire? (Hello Italy and Germany how is the *BEEP* life? England is being a but again and he turned pirate what do I do?)

Germany; *doesnt know french* um... Vhat?

Italy: *spouts French at him then realizes he is an stops and speaks english* oh he said something about us and England being a but and turning pirate and what should he do.

Germany: how do ve awnser zis?

Italy: I know!... *vigwrsoly typed in French back at him*hey France! oh nous sommes bien ... merci? mais l'Angleterre est très bien ... il wil venir autour du temps. Je le sais! afin de ne pas garder la tête basse! montrer haut! (hey France! oh well ... we thank you? but England is very well ... it wil come around time. I know! to not keep your head down! show up!) [this didn't translate right.... Ah screw it!]

Germany; ok then...???

Italy: oh I wanna talk about the china chalanhe!

Germany; ze one ve all played during the meeting?

Italy: sí! Ok soo... Today it was my turn to host the meeting so I said it was sweats day and people didn't have to ware their uniform! That's why I am in sweats right now! And so is Germany! So I didn't have a sweat shirt so I borrowed one of Germany's and it was long and I saw china writing. with his hand for once so I thought of how fun it would be like to write with one hand in the sleeve! It was fun! I was doing it and all the others followed china was the second and he just smiled! It was fun! So every cinco de mayo we do that!

Germany: anyvays help us not be bored... Zough I have vork and Italian do deal with-

Italy: HEY!

Germany: *chuckles* please send us questions it brightens up our day.


Prussia: Vhat about vest?

Germany: go avay Bruder.... Go avay.

Prussia: *head hangs low and walks out*

Italy: *giggles and smiles* this house is so funny!

Germany: *blushes* V-vell bye.

Italy: CAIO!!!

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