Funny cats!

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Italy: here we go!*clicks*
Germany: what is he trying to get into? Baby whipes?
Italy: Kitty!
Germany: it looks kinda fat.
Italy: hey!
Germany: that's one fat cat.
Italy: it looks like a squrel! *laughing*
Germany: hitler kitty is not amused.
Prussia: is it having a fanticy!
Germany: that's going to ruin the disk.
Italy: aww! It's adorable! Silly kitty!
Germany: aww poor cat it's sick.... What are they doing that for?
Italy: it's kitty Jackson!
Germany: what's the hell?
Italy: dragon ball z and skyrim!
Germany; that's going to kill the cat.
Italy: what is it doing?
Germany: I don't know.
Italy: box!
Germany: thriller again!
Italy: we should learn the dance!
Germany: NIEN.
Italy: *laughing* the cat looks silly!
Germany: *starts to crack up*
Italy: it's sleeping!
Germany; for a second k thought the cat was a pillow.
Italy: guitar kitty.
Germany: that is the dog on the back round doing.
Italy: it sounds like America!
Germany: this is getting boring.
Italy: it aloud like America! Don't you hear it?
Germany; no.
Italy: Gunter? Like from adventure time?
Germany; no..... Geta...
Italy: laser cat?
Germany: really?
Italy: they're being mean to the cat!
Germany: oranges? I don't get this.
Italy: me too!
Italy: *laughing*
Germany: is someone strangling the cat?
Italy: it doesn't look like it.
Germany: I think the cat Is possessed.
Germany: that's not a real cat.
Italy: BOOOO!
Germany; *chuckles*
Italy; siren cat!

Voice: the video was to much for Germany to bare.... Remember Germany can only take so much at once... Italy caused distraction so I guess you can guess what happened....

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