Gerita reacts!

389 10 2

question: Italy an Germany can you react to Charlie bit my finger

moona puppy: btw I think you are both epic



Germany: now look at who is using to much caps lock.....

Italy: oh sorry....

Germany: ok let's do this.... *types in Charlie but my fingure and clicks on the link*

Italy: awwww! It's a little bambino!

Germany:... *not amused*

Italy: *confused* why is the kid laughing at pain?

Germany: I have know clue...

Italy:..... Oh there he goes and screams....

Germany: *winces*

Italy: *winces and covers ears* PAUSE IT

Germany: *clicks the x button*

Italy: thank you! *uncovers ears*

Germany:..... *confused* I don't know what to say about this....

Italy: me to..... *looks at question again* YAY WE ARE AWESOME!!!

Prussia: NOT AG AWESOME AS ME! *walks by the door*


Prussia: make me!

Italy: boys... Lets not end it like the last few...

Germans: fine...

Italy: THANKS SO MUCH @moona puppy! Remember to keep asking questions!

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