How Question 1 was origanly going to go

978 22 10

( sorry this is how question 1 was ss'pose to happen)

Italy: Germany we have a question!

Germany: alright vhat is it?

Italy: from southernloita? Sorry Bella if I spell it wrong! Um... The Bella says... Germany when did you first tell Italy you loved him. OH! I wanna awnser this question!

Germany: it's directed to me Italian. *smiles and chuckles*

Italy: yay doistu smiled!

Germany: *blushes*

Italy: *smirks* Germany it's just me being me... What's wrong with that?

Germany: N-n-nothing... *blushes more*

Italy: Germany is so cute when he is blushing!

Germany: Shut up Italy.

Italy:fine! *pouts* but I want to awnser it how I told you I love you! I need to go first!

Germany: no I go first because yours follows mine.

Italy: oh...

Germany: Ja... Vell anyvays it was around ze time of recovery after vorld var 2 and I couldn't take it any longer. So one day before traning. I pu-

Italy: that's was the day we skipped traning because o-

Germany: *places hand over Italy's mouth* zey don't need to know everyzing Italy.

Italy: *nodds*

Germany: as I vas saying... I pulled Italy aside and I told him I loved him and I care about him and I do hard on him... Not in zat vay! But at training because I vant him to be strong as vell.

Italy: then after I told him ti amo! And he said Ich Liebe dic! *said with perfect pronunciation*

Germany: *suprized* zat vas good Italy.

Italy: Grazie Germany! Oh then we kisses and then we went to his room and we-

Germany: *claps hand over Italy's mouth* no more talking for jou! And other zing is ok but... Zere is a rating for zis and NIEN! Kein Gespräch über dieses Thema! letzte Mal, dass wir rund um die Länder Amerika tat schaute uns lustig für Wochen! (No talking about that subject last time we talked about it near the other countries America looked at us funny for weeks!)

Italy: Ve~ I'm sorry Germany!

Germany: I'm sorry for lashing out at jou.

Italy: *kisses cheek* ti amo!

Germany: *pecks his lips* Ich Liebe dic.

Italy: thank you for the question Bella! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow or today depending on where you live in this big world!

Germany: keep asking questions.

Voice: ksesesee~ vest did jou nail ita-chan yet?

Germany: BRUDER!!!!! *blushing badly* Ich werde dich töten! (I will kill you)

Italy: nail me to what? *freaking out*

Germany: Italy its ok... *gets up from couch that they were sitting on* (I forgot the couch didn't I. Oh well!) BURDER VHY ARE JOU DRESSED AS A VORKER?

Prussia: so I can see you nail ita-chan. Zats vhy.

Germany: *red with rage* get out of my house! *punches face*

Prussia: unawesome.

Germany: *opens door* *points outside* OUT!

Prussia: Ja Ja..... *leaves*

Italy: um.... Sorry for the misshap! Hope that never happens again! Well Grazie for the question! Oh and Bella... You look pretty and I hope you live a happy life!

Germany: *sits down* what was that a blessing?

Italy: no... I think... oh I don't know!

Germany: you cute when your flustered. *pecks cheek*

Italy: *blushes*

Germany: and vith zat... See you all soon.

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