Part 1 : The New

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New place means a new beginning, so I hoped for. The last box is still waiting to be unpacked. Maybe I should just leave it in the store room. It is old memories after all. Closing the storeroom door behind me, I decided to sit on the kitchen counter and watch the sun setting at my kitchen window. Well looks like this place is worth the buy after all.

A shrilling scream from the kettle made me realize I was lapsing into the past, I made myself a cup of black coffee. (Note to self: this will be the last cup for the day.) I walked out to the balcony of my new corner lot. Took a seat on the hanging birds nest chair, and enjoyed the cool evening breeze. Julia was right this feels like heaven on earth for someone who loves her 'me time'.

What is rolling towards the mango tree? A ball. Whose is it?

"Nan, I'm sorry, please help me," a muffled voice came from the other side of the hedge. It sounded like a small child. A few minutes later the doorbell rang continuously. There she stood, the impatient little girl in the blue tutu skirt and white blouse.

"Hi, can I take my ball please?"

"Sure, go ahead" I opened the gate wider so she can fit through. She was quick. She kept smiling till she walked out. I smiled back and closed the door after she left. Just in matter of seconds the bell chimes again.

"Daddy says I should say thanks when people help. Thanks," she spoke as fast as she ran off. That will be my first interaction with my only neighbor. So far so good, now I better hit the shower and get to bed. My favourite book awaits my attention on my night stand.







All set, now time to explore what this town has to offer. It looks like it is going to be a hot day. Where are my sunglasses? I know I left is somewhere in the car. Found it.

Turning the ignition, Mariah Carrey hit the 8th note in Honey. How I envy that woman, perfect body and wonderful voice. Wonder if there are flaws in her life. Hmmm being a celebrity always has its perks.

Still I would never give up my peaceful 'me time' for any of those. Backing out the car from the porch slowly, I noticed a pair of eyes goggling at me.

I wind down the window to wish good morning to my little neighbor but she beats me to it.

"Morning Ms... ah what is your name?" she says in her chirpy voice. I put the car on neutral and pulled the hand break up.

"I am Veronica and what is your sweet name dear?" I said as I extended my hands.

"Amelia, and that's no sweet name, daddy says it is the name of a very strong pilot, who made lots of changes. Do you know her? Amelia Earhart. I want to fly like her too"

"Yes my dear and your daddy is wise to name you after her too. So why aren't you in school dear?

"My aunt over slept, she was suppose to drop me off" she answers and she drops her head.

"Ah I see, have you had breakfast then?" I try to change the topic.

"Yes I have, daddy says it's the most important meal of the day" she beams a smile at me.

"That's right too. Ok dear I better get going as I haven't had mine yet." I said as I look up at my rare view mirror to check clearance.

"Can't you cook too? Aunt Nancy can't cook too she always goes out or orders food" she ask and blurts out.

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