Part 7 : Mannel Hill & H

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It was only 7 am I realized as I glanced at my watch. A few more hours will not do any harm. There was a knock on the door. I tried to ignore in by covering my head with my pillow. Even through the pillow I could hear the knocking. I finally got up to check it out. When I open the door there wasn't any one there. It must be Amy; she must have gotten tired of trying to wake me up. I took a look at my watch to see how late, It was for breakfast. It was only 1.40 am. I must have dreamt it all but I really heard the knock and it was loud enough for me to get out of bed. I was about to close the door when I saw a box on the floor.

I picked it up and said, the tag read To Ms. Veronica. I deliberately spoke loudly and said "Hello whoever you are my birthday is over..." when I didn't see any one I just closed the door. The box was extremely light. I sat on my bed and opened the box. There was a piece of cloth with writing on it and it said



The writing was in red. As scary as it was to receive something like this, I can't deny that I felt a slight excitement. This scene was like the once I read in my Sidney Sheldon's Books. I was curious. Who is "H" and what am I suppose to keep away from? I lie back into the bed and started to think like an investigator I always wanted to be. I doubt I made any enemies. Thinking a lot only made my eyes heavier and I dozed off.

I woke up as my phone alarm went off. This time it was really 7.30am. I took my shower and settled for a long sleeved wrap around dress. I was tying my hair up when Amy was knocking and screaming my name. I know at least 3 to 4 rooms on this floor knows who is in this room now. I opened the door and let her in.

"Come on Ica, I have a lot to show your today." Amy walked in as Keith followed behind her.

"She is getting too active nowadays" Keith says as he approached Ica.

"Don't worry I'll take care of her for you. It is the least I can do." I offered.

"Thank you dear and you look lovely today." He said and gave me a peck on my cheeks.

"Enough of that, can we get going? I am starving" Amy said rolling her eyes impatiently. We were served breakfast at the same hall but has been transformed perfectly for breakfast. Long buffet line with morning goodies were in the middle. Pastries were under the warming light and there was a smoothie machine too. Never knew morning on sea could be this good.

Amy as always was the first to finish her breakfast. Actually she finished what she was forced to eat only. She then started listing down all the things she wanted to do. I barely heard what she was saying. All I can tell she wants to spend a long time in the game arcade.

Reaching the game arcade, I watched Amy getting settled in at the arcade. I felt like she was taking care of me rather than me taking care of her. She seems to know the ship so well. Besides that, June was taking care of the arcade today. She loves Amy. She offered to keep an eye on the child. Her reason was I should enjoy myself too. I didn't argue.

I took a long walk along the deck, my mind still swirling about the box I received last night and Ian. Both matter triggers my curiosity. Two questions come up.

1. Who is H?

2. Can I trust Ian Mannell?

You know what; I don't want to do this now. I shall throw this out of my mind for a few more hours. The ocean breeze and heat from the sun was a good diversion. The pool on the deck looked inviting and thankfully, I bought a new swimming suit during last month's sale. I will need to find my way to the suite first. I vaguely remember this corridor. There must be a lift at the end of it.

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