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Neither Kageyama nor I spoke about the bottle incident. Letting it get swept under the rug seemed like a good idea but Kageyama was unable to address me properly for a while and I ended up thinking about it a lot. Like right now as I sit in English gently chewing on my pen out of boredom, Kageyama's beat red face comes to mind and I can't help but grin and laugh internally. I look towards him to see a head of hair facing me. His sleeping, head resting on his arms like a pillow, facing out towards the window side of the classroom. Initially I had thought he was a diligent student but I was starting to understand that's not entirely true. He will arrive on time but zones out after 15mins of study. I at least last half an hour. Hinata is about the same, or maybe a bit worse.

I yawn softly, taking the pen from my mouth and leaning back in my seat, only 5 more minutes of class then there's another day over. I'll see if I can set up practice for tomorrow morning with Kageyama and Hinata after class. With a little convincing hopefully Kageyama will come round.

What happened this morning comes to mind again.

"Fufufu" I muffle my laughter while closing my eyes to get a more vivid image of Kageyama's face again. He was so cute.

I quickly realise exactly what I've been thinking about and my eyes snap back open as I go rigid.

This isn't normally how I entertain myself, I'm acting weird. Cringing at the thought of anyone founding out about my inner thoughts, I bite my lips and rest my head on my hand. Despite no one having a clue what I'm thinking about, I still feel embarrassed and a bit angry.

Feeling the urge to look at Kageyama again I watch the clock. 2 minutes. I put my pen back in my mouth but this time bite it a bit more roughly, enough to leave a mark. As I do so I forget my restraint and look towards Kageyama.

I stop biting my pen as it limply sits in my mouth.

Sleepy midnight blue eyes watch me from underneath black bangs while he keeps his body hunched over his desk. I can't even control the blush that creeps up on me as I suddenly feel very conscious myself and Kageyama's watchful eye. I want to at least appear unfazed but it impossible.

I look away to break the tension.

I can't even think but end up trying to glance at Kageyama from the side. His eyes stay on me for only a moment longer to which I notice a slight blush across his own cheeks before he covers his face in his arms on the desk. I also look away to hear the bell immediately go off.

Hinata starts with a fright from the noise as he had been daydreaming and the teacher quickly finished class by setting homework. I dare not move an inch but listen out for what Kageyama is doing.

After the teacher leaves and the classroom becomes a bit rowdy, Kageyama doesn't quickly rise from his seat like usual but remains in the same position. I was beginning to believe he was actually asleep and I had just let my thoughts go rampant for a moment there, but my thoughts were promptly interrupted.

"Hey, stupid freshmen" a familiar voice called.

I turned, now facing the hall window to see who it was, why did I turn when being addressed that way...

She laughed spitefully upon seeing me react to being called "stupid freshmen".

It was Aya.

"I need the room so don't come back for at least 3 hours" she motioned the time using 3 fingers while eyeing me sternly.

She's going to bring a boy over.

I sigh remembering that I agreed to lend her the room when she wanted. I said it to shut her up but now that I think about it, it's quite inconvenient.

"Don't you dare do it on my bed" I whispered getting up from my desk.

"That's gross, don't ever say that again" she said before disappearing down the hall without a second glance.

I breathe deep to try and accept the terms of sharing a dorm with Aya. It could be worse.

"Fuji, you know that Senpai?" Hinata questions as he turns in his seat.

"Yeah, that's my roommate" I reply flatly.

"Seem complicated" Hinata says rubbing his nose while looking in the direction Aya left.

You have no idea I thought.

"Fujimoto-chan wasn't that Aya Kikuchi?" Saika walks up to my desk quickly making me realise pretty much all eyes in the classroom have levitated towards me.

"Yeah, it was..?" I look around at everyone with a hard look to which they eventually turn away from to continue in there own conversations.

"Fujimoto-chan, your kind of unlucky huh" Saika halfheartedly laughs.

Seems Aya really is renown.

"I'll give you this, so don't frown" Saika gently offers.

A lollipop is placed on my desk. Cola flavour.

I let out a small laugh and Saika's smile broadens.

"Thank you Saika, I feel better now". I pick up the lollipop and twist it in my hand.

Somehow just this small gesture makes me feel better, plus cola is my favourite.


Next Tsubaki strolls up to me his bag already slung over his shoulder.

I see Kageyama finally start to shift. He leans back in his chair to watch Tsubaki move past him to stand in front of me.

I start to feel like I've gathered a crowd.

"Hmm, even Tsubaki knows Aya?" I question while looking at him eyes half lidded. "What a surprise" I joke getting a small laugh from Saika.

"I don't know her" he replies looking straight at me.

"O-oh..." I stutter.

"So you've got 3 hours to kill?" Tsubaki continues on ignoring my uncomfortable reply.

"I guess so". I grab my bag and the books I need before zipping it up.

"Then, can you help me out with baseball practice? Just catching an fetching the ball mostly". He describes as I watch his hand move from his pocket to play with his black ear piercing.


"She can't" interrupts Kageyama.

Saika and Tsubaki turn to him while I raise an eyebrow.

"We have practice" Kageyama explains making eye contact with me. "Right Hinata?"

"Huh... Ahh-" Hinata fumbles with his words looking freaked out for being put on the spot.

Tsubaki's expression doesn't change but he looks towards me for a final answer.

All eyes back on me I decide to go with Kageyama.

"Sorry Tsubaki, maybe next time ok?" I shrug. "You can have this as an apology, it seems I won't have time to eat it". I place in his hand Saika's cola lollipop and give him a small smile.

Kageyama finally gets up out of his seat and begins to exit the classroom followed by a slightly confused Hinata. I say goodbye to Saika then go after them. Before I leave the classroom a quickly look back to see Saika hitting Tsubaki's shoulder while pointing at the lollipop. Tsubaki's lips turn upwards as he closes his hand around it and I think, maybe, somehow, I've made some good friends.

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