Room M24

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Seeing the dean in the same position i last saw him 10 minutes ago was actually a relief. Better yet, Hinata was talking to him with Kageyama. Im happy i dont have to be alone with the dean, but i thought Hinata and Kageyama would have found their rooms and reported back already. Did something keep them occupied? Did they fight again? I inwardly smirk, im starting to find their relationship quite funny actually.

When i come within earshot, i can pretty much guess the situation, looks like im right on the money.

"I cant share a room with him! Ill catch his gloominess for sure!" says Hinata rubbing his shoulders as if he can feel it coming on already.

"I also think its a bad idea, I would never be able to relax." adds Kageyama, crossing his arms while his face stays emotionless

The dean raises his hand to stop their excuses.

"Thats just how its going to be im am afraid. You two will sharing a room so you may as well start getting along. The remain room was M24, am i correct?"

"Yes but-" Kageyama gapes, looking slightly concerned for the first time before my eyes.

"No buts. Ive already written room M24 down."

Without looking up the dean then addresses me.

"Miss Fujimoto, room number?"

Ive walked right up to stand alongside Hinata now, he turns to me clearly wanting some sort of comfort.

"Room F34" i say while giving Hinata a pat on the shoulder.

"Good, thank you. Thats all for today, i wont be seeing the three of you again until my inspections, make sure i dont hear you have been up to any sort of mischief."

No one replies while the dean leaves the common room.

The students around us instantly begin to chat loudly with the absence of a teacher. I can tell that normally the common room is a pretty noisy place to be.

Hinata doesnt really move from his position beside me and i gather that his probably trying to come to terms with his new situation. Kageyama becomes unreadable once again and starts heading back towards the boys hall. Seeing this, i call out to Kageyama instantaneously.

"Ah! Wait a moment, Kageyama-ku-san!"

He stops in his tracks but doesnt turn to me. He obviously doesnt like me very much, but thats to be expected since i went off at him eariler. You reap what you sow Yuko.

"We didnt really start off on the right foot and i never got to thank you for helping me in class." i explain moving passed Hinata so he can hear me better amongst all the noise of the common room.

Staying silent, Kageyama refuses to look at me. Wow did i create that bad of an impression.

"Hey! i know you hate me but at least look at me when im talking to you"

I know im being rude again. I just cant help myself when im having a particularly sour conversation. I guess thats the same with one sided conversations too.

Witnessing Kageyama shift his body, im surprised when his eyes meet mine. I didnt notice before but his eyes are a midnight blue. Their dark but i can tell they have colour. I have to admit, their charming. Im sure a lot of people are fooled into thinking his eyes are black.

" I-I dont hate you."

So he says~

"I just find girls... a bit hard to deal with" he breaks our eye contact and looks to his side. I can see his ears have gone red again.

Stunned. I just stare. Is he messing with me?

"Really..." i say slowly.

He replies with a small nod while looking uncomfortable under my gaze.

Seems pretty genuine to me.

"What the hell Kageyama! Your fine with bullying me but you wont bully Fujimoto-san!" interrupts Hinata with a look of dismay.

"Your different you dumbass!" Kageyama shouts the embarrassment clear on face as he glares at Hinata.

"How am i different!?"

"You just are"

I grin at Kageyama and Hinata.

"You know, ive been thinking this for a while, that you guys seem pretty familiar with each other. Like your old friends or something."

They both look at me, Hinata ready to open his mouth and protest an Kageyama shocked into silence.

"Fujimoto-san we are not good friends!" Hinata says pouting. "He glares at me all the time and calls me names. How could we possibly be good friends? I mean, Kageyama is more of a rival than a friend to me..."

Kageyama's eyes sharpen from under his bangs as he looks down at Hinata.

"See this is what i mean" sighs Hinata shrugging his shoulders.

"Hm, i feel like he was glaring at me a lot today too." I say also sighing slightly.

"Hey! Im not glaring, thats just how i am normally!" defends Kageyama.

I look away to stifle a laugh when Hinata pulls a face at Kageyama.


Kageyama motions to leave once again having taken enough harassment.

Watching him go i push Hinata with my shoulder.

"His your roommate, you better catch up just in case he decides locks you out" I suggest seriously.

Hinata looks at me with a toothy smile and gives me a wave as he began jogging towards Kageyama.

"See you at dinner Fujimoto-san!"

"You can call me Fuji if you like. Since i call you Hinata without honorifics."

"Like the mountain?" He quizzed a bit unsure.

I cough is order to stifle the laughter rising from my chest and just nod.

His smile droops then his eyes sparkle. He reminds me of a little kid when his eyes sparkle like that.

"Alright! Fuji! See you later!"

"Bye" I wave back, smiling.

Hinata's smile is most defiantly contagious. How dangerous.

I cover my mouth still smiling.


Did the views just jump to 200views in a few days!? what is this!? im such a petty writer and my story is getting views. it makes me cry happy internet tears.

Kind of boring chapter i know. Wasnt feeling the inspiration but thought i should update because i wont get the chance in the next few days. Hope it was enjoyable for you readers at least. tbh i just want to write about vollleyball practice already ahaha. have to so the test game first though. dw i wont make it shit. Anyway thanks as always for reading!

I dont own Haikyuu!! or any of its characters.

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