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"Sooo~ you going to explain when we decided to practice together?" I tease as we walk down the hall.

Kageyama stays mute for the moment but I can see the cracks in his composure.

"I thought you didn't want to practice with me..." Hinata mumbled to my right. He was pouting but undoubtably happy to be included.

"This is what you wanted isn't it?" Kageyama responds still leaving the explanation out. Unsure of who he was talking to, I continue to walk silently. Kageyama's comment doesn't comfort Hinata so taking pity, I pat his back reassuringly.

"I want to practice with you Hinata, don't worry about Kageyama" I whisper near his ear.

Hinata jolts- the sudden close proximity of my voice unsettling him. I smile cheekily waiting for him to turn towards me with a smile. He doesn't.
Getting a better look at his face- Hinata was devoid of even his slight irritation from before.

"Hinata what's wrong?" I ask feeling concerned.

"I don't know, I have butterflies in my stomach." He answers rather quietly.

"Butterflies? Like when your nervous?" I enquire not fully grasping what he said.

"Yeah, like the type I get before a match" Hinata slows his walking placing one hand on his stomach.

I giggle realising its probably nothing to worry about.

"Your probably just nervous since this is the first time we have all played together!" I mention lightheartedly. "Even I'm a little nervous." I say following Kageyama.

I really did feel nervous. None of us had really played together properly and I wanted to do my best. Show the best of my abilities and be approved of.  However knowing that Hinata was going through the same thing made me feel better.

By this point we had reached the gym but it's not like we were going to enter since the captain had prohibited us from doing so. The practice match was only a couple days away.

"Shall we go round the back? There should be a big enough space behind the gym" I add hoping Kageyama would agree.

"Yeah" was the response I got from him.

"Ok I'll get changed in the toilets so you guys can go on ahead" I turn on my foot, heading back the way we came in a hurry.

"Changed?" Hinata almost yells since I was already about to enter the school building again.

"You don't expect me to play volleyball in school uniform!" I pick up one side of my skirt, reveal a bit more of my thigh then already visible before frowning.

"Oh!" Hinata mouths but I couldn't hear him. Only the yelp he made after Kageyama smacked the back of his head echoed down the school hall as I jogged to the bathroom.

I was beginning to warm up to Hinata and Kageyama. Even though we are all so different, the more time I spent with them, the less I thought about the negatives which use to constantly circle in my head. The effort I put into starting my highschool life without any trouble seemed to be worth it. For now.

It's short. Yup. Sorry haha. Something was better then nothing I thought! Thanks for continuing to read my fanfic! We are finally getting somewhere

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