Dorm mates

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I'm heading towards the facility room to get some direction as to where the dorms are and Hianta is following me. We haven't spoken since leaving the gym but his trailing behind me whistling to some tune I've never heard of. It's kind of awkward. Why is a following me... Go home already you pumpkin head.

"Hey Hinata, where are you heading?" I take the longest strides possible trying to out walk him but his quick on his feet.

"Huh, oh just the facility office, why?"

I don't have to turn around to know his smile is digging into my back.

"Oh no nothing, just coincidentally, that is also where I am heading" I quietly answer.

"Really!? What do you need from the office!" His voice perks up, suddenly interested in what I have to say.

"Shut up, your too loud" Kageyama's voice hisses from behind. I turn my head to see him more than a few meters away from Hinata. I didn't even notice he was following us.

"I'm not too loud! You're just super sensitive oh great King of the Court!" Hinata snaps back rather quickly.

'King of the court'? What the hell is that?

"I said shut up and don't call me that!"

"Make me! Blehhhhh" Hinata must have stuck his tongue out because Kageyama looked thoroughly disgusted. I look ahead once more and see the office sign. As I approach the door I can hear them rambling on in the background. Despite being on bad terms, those two seem to talk to each other a lot.

"Excuse me"

I open the door to a quite facility room with very few teachers inside. The dean unfortunately, is one of them.

"Your late again! Didn't I tell you to meet me straight after class ended?" He grumbled. Rising from his chair.

"I had club activities sir." I answered respectively.

"That's not good enough" he replied rubbing his wrinkled forehead.

"S'cuse us"

Hinata and Kageyama also enter the room quietly. They finished their earlier argument rather quickly.

"Where have you two been?" questions the dean once more.

"We were in the gym for club activities" replied Kageyama with a stern face.

"I gave you all clear instructions at the start of the day. This is your final warning, if you don't abide by the rules set by the school, the rules set by me, expect to be cleaning toilets after class. Now, thanks to your 'club activities', all three of you missed the tour around the dorms and your room assignment."

All three, missed tour, around dorms? ALL THREE?

"Are you guys living in the dorms too!?" I yelp, covering my mouth after realising I had raised my voice.

I see Hinata nodded and Kageyama just give me this look like 'is now really a time to ask?'.

"Have your personal conversations later! For now just grab your bags and follow me quickly" the dean points to the corner of the room where I see my own beige coloured bag, as well as a black and light brown one. I automatically grab mine and head out the door after the dean hearing Hianta and Kageyama do the same without much fuss.

"There are a few dorm rules that you will abide by. Listen close because I'm only saying it once. Curfew is at 8:00pm. If your out past that time expect to be getting detentions for a month. If you stay out repeatedly, it means expulsion."

We all continue down the hall, quickly making our way to the front entrance.

"You are served breakfast and dinner. Breakfast at 7:30am and dinner at 7:30pm. If you get hungry in between, it's up to you to get food. The school doesn't offer snacks besides the vending machines."

The dean waits a moment at the entrance while we grab our shoes from our lockers.

"We have showers and toilets in a separate building to the dorm building, they are cleaned regularly by staff but that doesnt mean you can do whatever you want."

As we move out of the building and start making our way outside the school I begin to wonder where the dorms actually are.

"I assume you know that there are two students sharing a dorm, so make sure you keep it clean. I'm responsible for surprise checks to make sure you aren't abusing your privilege to live in dorms so don't try anything sneaky. Understood?"

"Yes" we reply in unison.

We arrive at a red brick building after walking up a dirt path. It's in the plot next to the school but there are many trees lining the fence to cover it from any prying eyes. Even though it's old, judging by the cracks in the brick, I think it's rather charming. With a little render the building would come up good as new. Not that the school would be interested in doing such a thing.

The dean approaches the door while Hinata pulls on my arm.

"We are going to be living here?! It looks haunted! I don't want to go inside there..."

I laugh a little. "I think it's got character" i tell Hinata, half trying to comfort him, half just saying how I actually feel.

Hinata stays close to me as we walking in. Im starting to get use to his upbeat and overly friendly personality. Actually, im not just getting use to it, but enjoying it too. It makes a lot of things easier when you have friends in the same class.

Judging by the small entrance hall, the interior of the dorm is going to be worn too, I can easily tell its been in use for a while. The walls are all a plain creamy colour and in some areas, the paint has peeled off. Looks like pictures had once hung on the walls since 3 hooks were sticking out, having some there now would have made it more lively. What a shame.

As we pass through the entrance hall, a few couches can be seen placed around a table. A group of students are playing cards there and are so engrossed they haven't noticed us yet. I also see a few kids hovering around some bookcases placed around the room too. I even recognise one from my class, a girl named... Argh, what was her name again. Saku... Sakurai? I cant clearly remember which kind of frustrates me.

"Alright, the hall on the left leads to male wing and the one on the right to the female wing. This space in the middle is the common room, male and females are allowed here but dont go into the opposite gender's hall. One last thing, those doors on the other side of the common room lead to the cafeteria. Dont forget, dinner is at 7:30 so you've got around an hour and a half to set up your dorm " clarifies the dean.

I readjust my bag over my shoulder, looking towards the right side of the room.

"Head down your respective hall and look for the first free room you find." sighs the dean, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Once you've done that, return here and ill record your room number. Don't take too long, my patience has run out for the day"


Hello again! Its been a while, but you know how life is. I actually completed most of this chapter a while ago, i should have finished it earlier. sorry about the wait. I also just noticed that this story has reached over a 100 views! WHICH I CANT BELIEVE AT ALL. It even got its first vote! (thankyou kind reader for that! <3) I know all of this is just small stuff but its the a big motivation boost! i feel like i can write to the wee hours of the morning now- even though i shoudnt haha. But enough rambling! ill get to what you guys actually want from me! more chapters coming right up!

Also, for those who forgot what the dean looks like, refer to the picture in the chapter for the chapters to come!

Everyone knows i dont own haikyuu!!

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