Race to the finish

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The ringing of the school bell signals the end of the day. I stretch while still sitting in my set, sprawling my legs out in front of me.

"Ok everyone, questions 1 to 4 on pg 26 are due by next class. Anyone who donesnt complete homework will be getting a detention during lunch to complete it. That is all" announced the history teacher as he packed his books and left the classroom.

I peer over to my side to see the boy beside me start to pack his things. Guess he has no intention of introducing himself to me. Not that i especially mind. He didnt bother talking to me during lunch break either. I lean back into my chair again look up at the ceiling this time. For now i guess ill just leave things are they are, its kind of peaceful like this too.

"Ummm" I can hear a small voice. I dont want to look though since ive already memorised who that voice belongs to.

"F-fujimoto-san" the boy standing infront of my desk stuttered. When he uses my name poilietly like that i guess i cant really ignore him can i.

"Yes" i say in disinterest as i look him square in the face. He kind of shivers under my gaze. Hehe, thats kind of cute.

"Hi, my names Hinata Shouyo." He says a bit more confidently then his last line.

"Nice to meet you and i think you already know my name." i comment while giving him a little smile.

He perks up with the friendly gesture

"Yeah! Um hey, you know, im sorry about this morning. Nearly hitting you with my bike and all" he laughed, playing with the hem of his shirt.

Ohhh, thats what Hinata was talking about when i arrived in the class. Now that i think about it, not many people have such bright orange hair. i should have guess it was the same person.

"No problem, as long as you make sure not to knock anyone out next time" I add, playing along in a joking manner.

The boy with the black bangs rose from his chair and grabbed his bag heading towards the door. I watch him as he left, his rather tall. I hadnt noticed till now. While exiting the classroom, he have me another glare before disappearing behind the door. Should i take that as a sign he hates me?

"Anyway now that ive apologised, im heading to the gym so ill see you tomorrow!" Hinata said smiling.

"Oh, im heading to the gym too..." i state. Beginning to realise that might not be such a good thing.

"What, really!? Why?" He asked the excitement clear in his voice. He had now placed his hands on my desk and leaned forward enough for me to be a more than uncomfortable.

"I-I was told thats where the volleyball club is having a meet today" i blurted out immediately regretting it. Damn it, he surprises me for a second and i say something unnecessary.

"No way! Fujimoto-san, you want to join too!" he beamed. i could clearly see sparkles in his eyes.

"Too close!" i grab his face a push it back but he doesnt give up so easy.

"Then! Then! Lets go together!" he proposed in an overly loud voice. "Im so glad i found someone else wanting to play volleyball as much as i do!"

"Wow wow, calm down, your too loud" i hiss looking around to see my other classmates blantently starring and some even laughing.

"Lets leave the classroom shall we, i think we have bothered everyone else quite enough" i say with a fake smile plastered on my face.




"Instead of talking Hinata, how about we focus on getting to the gym since we are going to be late if we take any longer" i plead, hoping he will stop the small talk. He had been running his mouth all throughout the halls after leaving the classroom and it was starting to annoy me.

"Ahh thats the first time you've used my name!" he looks towards me smiling ear to ear. Was it really? Even so thats nothing special, but i cant help let the feelings of irritation escape me when he smiles like that. "But good point! Well then how about we race to the gym instead?" he asked innocently, being to jog on the spot.

"Hoo, you want to race me?" i smirk at him. I wouldn't mind a race, i like to sprint and this would defiantly shut him up.

"Yeah! Lets go it!" he remarks, his confidence clear to see.

"Ok then... GO!" I shout as i begin sprinting down the hall without hesitation. I pass the few students still in the halls and some even make way. I can hear Hinata chasing after me but i can already tell i have him beat in this competition.

I round the next corner making sure not to crash into anyone and see the door leading to outside. I also see a certain tall boy with black bangs begin to open it. I don't slow down and instead hope to make it to the door before he closes it. Straightening my hands and moving my arms quicker, my pace increases as i begin to puff. As he turns around to close the door he can clearly see me in his sights. His face looks rather surprised but never the less he keeps the door open for me to pass through swiftly. I jump as i pass the door, clearing both the small step i hadn't initially seen, and about another meter of concrete. I put on the breaks becoming aware of the fact i was in indoor shoes and slow to a stop. Turning around to see Hinata run pass the door. My victory smirk turns to shock as i widen my eye to see him slip on the step and begin to fall forward.

In the split second of seeing Hinata's face twist in surprise, i thought- maybe, just maybe, this wasn't such a good idea after all?

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