The unexpected

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"It's a bit hard to practice your spiking like this Hinata..." I voiced listlessly. No net and no lines, just the concrete wall outside the gym and dirt.

"If Kageyama sets it to me I can still spike!" He reassured enthusiastically. I just nodded in return as my gaze fell onto Kageyama.

"Go stand over there" Kageyama pointed to direct Hinata slightly away from us.

Obediently Hinata moved and I felt sort of out of place standing alone with Kageyama.

"I'll set it so you just jump and swing." He ordered.

Hinata grinned and nodded puffing as if animated smoke would come out of his nose.

"Then I'll receive your spike Hinata but don't you dare go easy! I'll send it into your face if you do." I glared playfully but with an underlying tone of seriousness. I move opposite Hinata creating a lopsided triangle.

Suddenly we all seem to be taking this rather seriously as things go silent. I shift my feet and bend my knees slightly, ready to move and receive the ball anywhere around me. Kageyama doesn't set the ball until he sees Hinata leap forward for a small run up. Focussing entirely on the volleyball I watch how high the arc of kageyama's set is. I thought the nerves had got to him, that his first toss was spectacularly ill timed and too strong. But before I could think of much else, seeing Hinatas hand make hard contact with the ball both surprised and shocked me. I could barely move to catch the ball and lower my sense of gravity in time to receive it flatly. With very little control over where it hit my arm it stung upon contact and hurled off in Kageyama's proximity. Utterly mortified at how my first impression was turning out I watched the ball while concealing my emotion as Kageyama moved quickly to intersect it.

"I'm sorry!" Yelled Hinata across from me, his face sincere and concerned. I straightened and looked in his direction but his eyes fell a bit upon meeting mine.

"What a shock" I mouthed as though I was somehow underwhelmed despite my words.

"For a vicious spike like that... I was caught completely off guard" I finished as though I was making a joke, shrugging my shoulders a bit.

I could feel an icy stare coming from Kageyama but I ignored it.

"Haha" Hinata laughed nervously not sure how to take my words which we unlike how I'd spoken to him so far.

"Okay Hinata, once more. This time no screw ups" I raise my hand, index finger pointed, indicating my want to retry.

Upon hearing those words Hinata lightened up again and he seemed excited. I shared some of his excitement but also a feeling of foreboding. Nevertheless I would be more prepared this time.

After the initial spike I was able to receive Hinatas spike more accurately each time. Kageyama continued to hound Hinata and at some point he even told me not to relax and get sloppy. I sent him a few sideways glances throughout our practice which lasted until the sun touched the horizon, his form was perfect and sets always high and clean. Each of his passes collided with Hinata's hand with constant accuracy and strangely, I felt a distance grow between our abilities unlike how our one-on-one practice was. It bothered me when I mentally chewed over today's practice while walking back to the dorms but i was soon distracted again when Kageyama said he wanted to practice his serve tomorrow since all he did was set to Hinata today. I had gauged that Hinatas recovery and receiving was poor so naturally, I offered my help to which he did not decline.

"You guys are setting up practice without me" Hinata pouted as his pace slowed and he dropped behind me an Kageyama. Somehow I felt better hearing Hinata's words, as if I had imagined how far away Kageyama seemed. A light knock with my shoulder made Kageyama turn an arrogant look in my direction but I smiled and did it once more to put forward my playfulness.

"What" he groaned without making it seem like a question.

"You really good at volleyball" I admit firmly, confirming those words in my head too.

He sent another gaze my way but this one seemed a little more mindless, not what I expected or really wanted.

"That was a compliment but whatever you jerk" I sighed pushing past him to enter the dorms. He stayed mute behind me but Hinata came up behind me tapping my shoulder to wave goodbye as we went our separate ways.

I peeked behind me as I walked to see if Kageyama would offer me a wave but he did no such thing. Refusing to think more of it, I was intent to do some homework before dinner and then sleep early. Tomorrow I'll check if Kageyama is practicing by himself again, I was determined to win him over.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2016 ⏰

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