The Gym

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Of course I tried to catch him. Why did I try to catch him? Should have just let it happen. Guess I felt I was partly responsible.

"Ouch" I said opening my eyes which were tightly shut. I look down to see Hinata flat against my chest. I move my body, propping myself up on my elbows to get a better view. Hinata seems okay but he still remains stunned while laying on me. Letting out a breathe of air in relief, im happy I caught him at least.

"You dumbass! Get up already!" Shouts the tall boy who held open the door for us. He grabs Hinata by the back of the collar and forcibly yanks him up and off me.

"Eh, Ooowww!!" whines Hinata obviously unhappy with the rough treatment.

I proceed to look up at the tall boy now standing over me. He just glares at Hinata while making a few sny comments.

"You block head, what the hell where you doing?" He snaps making Hinata flinch.

"Hey, I'm the one who agreed to race, it's not just Hinata's fault and no one got hurt so who cares" I say calmly, standing up while wiping the dirt from my skirt and elbows.

He looks away making a "Tch" sound with his tongue.

Not impressed I grab Hinata's hand from his side. "Tch" I mimic, trying to mock him by being a smart ass.

He snaps his head towards me clearly enraged.

"He could have hurt himself! Or even you! Plus he even fell on your b-...c-chest" he swallows a blush spread on his checks. He turns his head downwards using his bangs to try and cover his emotions.

I stare at him just about ready to burst out laughing. I keep it in though because Hinata gripped my hand a little reminding me I was still holding onto him.

"What's all this noise outside the gym? You'll disturb the students inside the school building." Asked a boy who was now standing in the open gym door. "Are you three the freshmen who want to join volleyball?" He inquired.

Gaining my composure quicker then the other two, I respond first.

"Yes, I'm looking to join the volleyball team" I answer clearly finally letting go of Hinata's hand.

"Is that so, well I suggest you come inside then. What about you two?" He looked at Hinata who replied with a loud "Yes, me too!" And the tall boy just nodded to show his interest.

We all then proceeded to change our shoes and step into the gym. It was big. The floors were shiny, the nets where up and there was even a observation level.

"This is amazing" I comment trying to take everything in. I could see Hinata run ahead, his excitement obvious.

It's been a long time since I've was last in a gym. Feels nice to be back in here.

"Fujimori-san!" Calls a familiar voice.

I turn to see Sugawara-san approaching me smiling.

"Good evening" I say, pretending not to know his name as he stops in front of me.

"You came! I'm glad to see you. I never got to introduce myself last time did I? My names Koushi Sugawara. I'm a third year and the volleyball teams official setter"

I nod. "So your the setter, that's great." I comment genuinely happy. "I play as libero so that means we have to work hard together. Right senpai?"

I offer out my hand for him to shake. Sugawara-senpai takes it without a moments hesitation.

"You can just call me Suga" he says slightly squeezing my hand.

"Then you can call me Yuko" I reply also squeezing his hand a little harder.

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