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Hello readers! Thank you for checking out my fanfic. Just letting you that this story starts of 3rd person them switches to 1st in chapter 2. Since this is just a prologue which sets the scene I'd greatly appreciate you checking out chapter 2 to see if you like the fic or not an as always any feedback is welcome.


The bus sways as it turns onto the main road. 15 minutes on a bus completely empty. That is how long Yuko Fujimoto has leaned against the window listening to music. Her hazel eyes reflected the passing traffic and ash brown hair fell in wisps around her face despite her efforts to keep it behind her ear. From today, Yuko was attending Kurasuno High school and so far it was not going well.

A new school year had just begun and Yuko was a First year. She has money in her pocket for indoor shoes and a red ribbon tied around her unbuttoned collar. She admitted red wasnt her favourite colour but at this point, she didn't really care.

Shit I'm going to miss 2 period too! She internally groaned looking towards the driver, wishing he would feel her urgency and step on the pedal already. Yuko often kept her exterior calm, most of the time acting much cooler then she felt. It was a coping mechanism and so far it had help get her through a lot.

She had gone to bed with every intention of going to school on time- and now she was going to go to school at 10:10. It was a simple mistake, she forgotten to turn the alarm on before heading to bed. Now her new found independence, since requesting her parents allow her to attend a school that offered dorms, could easily be taken away. If they found out that is. Living on her own had been the arrangement made with her parents in exchange for her to 1. Follow all of the school rules and 2. Get great grades. Anyone would think that was a rather generous offer but the conditions weren't the reason Yuko had been allowed to move out. Money. The cheap rent paid at Kurasono dorms was too convienent for her parents not to take advantage of. Now that she was out of their hair, they would be able to work with no worries. Workaholics

Seeing her stop was just up ahead, Yuko pressed the red stop button and grabbed her tightly packed bag. As the bus stopped and the back doors opened she thought about the day ahead of her. She checks the time on her phone realising is she ran, she might make it in time before students went out for recess. It would be harder to get around if the halls were packed full of people she imagined. With that thought, she set of in the direction of the school. She had a fair distance to run in surberban streets, but she was fit, and the thought of ruining her chances to get away from her parents was modivation enough to get her moving.

While running with her bag slung over her shoulder and her skirt starting to ride up her hips, she heard someone on a bike ringing a bell from behind her. She moved to one side of the narrow road to make way and luckily she moved quickly because the bike went past her at a high speed.

"Woah! HEY WATCH OUT!" she swore slowing her pace.

"Sorry! Im Late!" said the boy with orange hair on the bike.

"So am I..." Yuko quietly added but the boy had already quickly disappeared around the next corner.

"Jesus, today is not my day" Yuko sighed, picking up her pace. She checked the time once again, she felt like she was almost at the school. 10:19


Thanks for reading my first chapter (prologue..)! im an new fanfic writer and having anyone view this makes me happy. please let me know what you think and if you pick up on any spelling or grammar mistakes. i am quite clumsy after all.

I do not own haikyuu! or any of its characters. I take no creit for the cover art, i merely edited the name onto it. So basically i own nothing but Yuko Fujimoto who is my own character.

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