18: i am too emotionally attached to this fic im ruining my own life

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Gee hadn't replied; she didn't give enough of a shit to - she was well and truly done with everyone and everything in the world by that point, simply making her way upstairs and pulling the covers over her head as she did all she could to drown out the world anyway possible.

She closed her eyes and rolled over, cursing a little as she found sleep unable to come to her, and eventually settled upon the second best thing in the world next to sleeping, music. She plugged her earphones into her phone and put on some Lana Del Rey, closing her eyes once again and doing all she could to wish the fucking world away.

She wondered just how long it would take her to respond to Frank, and whether regardless of how long it took her to, her reply would be just as shittily constructed. Frank was in the wrong, though, she knew that, and she knew that going out and drinking literally two beers with her best friends was vastly different from snorting coke at every fucking available opportunity, but she knew it'd only start another argument, and that really wasn't going to get them anywhere.

And fuck, Gee had been trying to be 'reasonable', and dear god she was beginning to wondered just how faded the line between 'reasonable' and 'brain dead' was, because was Frank seriously asking her to not shout at him for continuing to fuck his life up with a cocaine addiction, and to just let him yell at her for going out with her friends for one fucking night.

Of course, how Frank had even found out what she'd done was a completely different fucking story, and one she didn't even want to think about in that moment, but as she attempted to drift off again and still found herself wide awake, like hell, Wide Awake by Katy Perry even started playing, as if just to fucking spite her or something, and she soon found herself giving up on sleeping all together and unlocking her cellphone.

She found herself directed to her messages application, seeing yet another message from Frank, most likely in response to the fact that she'd seen it and hadn't replied: 'Talk to me, ignoring me isn't going to get us anywhere.'

Gee knew that, of course, but she knew that arguing (which was what they would inevitably do) wouldn't lead them in much of a different direction. She decided to push the levels of passive aggressiveness to an extreme and not respond to that message either, looking through her other notifications and as she found herself faced with nothing significant, she ended up on Snapchat.

Lindsey had updated her story, and this caught Gee by surprise, finding herself tapping upon it, and practically losing all her chill as she saw her and Alicia practically cuddled up together, acting far drunker than they actually were, and then Alicia attempting to give herself scene kid make up, and Gee just stopped watching at that point, because Frank had gone and gotten the wrong impression from fucking Snapchat.

She didn't blame Lindsey for it, because there was no way she could have predicted how Frank would react to a story she posted while slightly drunk. She didn't blame Frank either, though, because yeah, he'd overreacted, and he'd overreacted like a dick, but it wasn't his fault and it wasn't hers either: just a misunderstanding.

Gee came to conclude that letting her boyfriend think she was ignoring him couldn't possibly have any kind of positive results, and opened her messages app back up, texting Frank something as neutral as possible.

'I'm not ignoring you, Frank. I just feel like we're gonna argue and we should talk about this later when we're not so pissed off at each other.'

She pressed send before putting her phone down as she heard a knocking on her bedroom door.

"Gee?" What was undoubtedly Mikey's voice called out: his tone muffled by the door but distinguishably sheepish and perhaps apologetic in nature.

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