Chapter Five

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Meghan sat by Charlie's side all night. She looked down at her stomach and cried. Not for herself, not for Charlie, but for their child. She didn't tell anyone, but she knew if Charlie didn't make it, she was going to get an abortion. It took Stephen, Mikaela and Ryan to force her to get the baby checked on. They'd literally had to carry a thrashing pop star two floors up where the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. They'd had to pin her to the chair and lock the door while the doctor pours freezing gel on her stomach and moves the probe around, looking for a sign of life. She'd given up on fighting, knowing it wouldn't help. Ryan was holding her hand and Mikaela and Stephen slowly let up on her other limbs, standing next to Ryan as a puzzled look spreads across the doctors face.
"Meghan, you've miscarried before?" The doctor asks, in a knowing tone.
"Y-yes." She shakes. That's another thing, she was shaking so bad. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine Charlie's hand was in place of her brothers.
"Well, it seems as if you have also miscarried another child. Not this one, but one before it. Everyone froze.
"W-wait. I was pregnant."
"Yes, unfortunately not for very long. Your uterus is very unstable. I'm surprised your previous gynecologist didn't pick up on it actually. I have three different pills you must take daily to sustain the life of your child. But, congratulations, you are pregnant." She was still in shock. Fat, salty tears started to make their way down her face as the doctor handed her a cloth to wipe the gel off. She shakily pulled her shirt back down and tried to stand, failing completely. Ryan carried her back. Mikaela ran to the pharmacy to pick up the medication and Stephen went to get everyone coffee. By the time they reached the room, Meghan was sobbing. Ryan gently set her in the chair next to Charlie and left the room, giving them privacy.
"Char Char, we're having a baby." She whispers.

"Congratulations, you're pregnant!" The doctor announces, letting Meghan and Charlie sit in shocked silence. She wipes the freezing gel off her stomach and they walk to the car. Not a word is passed between them until they reach Charlie's apartment.
"Meghan." He looks at her lovingly, stroking her hair behind her ear. She nestles into his touch. "Char Char, we're having a baby!" She squeals. He picks her up, spinning around as they kiss. Later that night they both lay on the couch, holding each other. As the first month came to a close, Meghan woke up one night with a sharp pain in her lower abdomen. She got up and blood was everywhere between her legs. She screamed, waking Charlie. They rushed to the hospital, where the doctor told them that their child was lost.

"I can't lose you too." She whispered to him, standing up as close to the bed as possible and placing his hand to her stomach.
"Meghan." Someone asks from the doorway. Its her parents. She quickly sits back next to Charlie and Ryan follows them in, slipping the pills into her purse. Her mom came next to her and hugged her. She cupped her face in both hands. "Meg, you look terrible."
"I know." She whispered, setting her hands on her stomach lightly. "Mommy, it hurts." She sobs.
"Shh, Meghan, honey I know. But all this crying isn't good for you. Or the baby."
"How do you know?"
"I'm your mother, I would like to think I know you well enough. Meg, you gotta start eating."
"But, I don't want to keep this baby if Charlie isn't here." She says, letting a few more tears slip.
"Meghan, eat." She orders, Ryan starting to get up to retrieve food from IHop.
"No!" She shook her head furiously.
"Why? You haven't eaten in days. Meghan, you want to be healthy!" Kelli yelled.
"MOM, LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY!" Meghan screamed. "My boyfriend is comatose. There are more important things to worry about!" The word comatose still cut like a knife and she fell to the ground, sobbing. Ryan was already halfway to IHop. Gary was talking to Chuck. Deb was still pretty bent up, but definitely not as bad as Meghan. She was just a shell of the person she was before the accident. She kept the picture in her pocket at all times, wishing they could go back in time. Before the miscarriage, before the accident. She closed her eyes and tried to remember what his lips felt like against hers. She started sobbing. That was the worst part, she couldn't remember and now she might never feel it again. Tears fell rapidly from her eyes, into her lap. She was still holding his hand in hers.
"Meghan." Mikaela said from the doorway.
"Yeah." She sniffles, looking up with extremely puffy, red eyes. The lack of sleep and food was making Meghan's face hollow out. She needed to be healthy for this baby.
"There's someone here to see you." She said in a way that made Meghan's stomach knot. She slowly got up, not wanting to get light headed. She followed Mikaela into the hall, where her stomach dropped. She stumbled backwards, shaking her head. Mikaela stood watching from Charlie's door, to make sure nothing happened between the pregnant woman and her scary ex.
"Wh-what do you want?" She asks, sucking up the tears.
"You left me for this piece of shit?" He asks, gesturing towards Charlie's room.
"No I left the piece of shit." She says. He charges her. She jumps out of the way, only just then noticing he was wearing the patient uniform. The doctors come barreling from around the corner.
"You let him out!" One of the doctors screams.
"No! He got out. I thought we were supposed to double lock the psych Ward?" The other one says.
"ARE YOU MEANING TO TELL ME WE DON'T DOUBLE LOCK THE DOORS TO OUR MENTAL PATIENTS!?" Meghan fell to the ground at Mikaela's feet. He was mentally ill, and had come after her. Who knows what would've happened if they'd been anywhere but the hospital. Mikaela dragged Meghan into the room, where she sat against the sterile wall, sobbing. Her crazy ex. She looked up at Charlie, from the corner where she was. His pale face was still neutral. She screamed, letting all her feelings into ear shattering screeches.

A/n: WHAT!??! so...yeah. what do y'all think is gonna happen next? Tell us below in the comments~ L

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