Chapter Fourteen

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"Charlie." Meghan sighed gently, pulling him into a warm embrace. "What happened?"
"My- my grandpa died a few hours ago."
"Oh, Char I'm so sorry."
"I just- I didn't think..."
"It's okay." Meghan soothed, directing Charlie to her bedroom. She sat them down on the bed and he started crying. She knew she needed to be strong for Charlie right now; pull him out of the cracks when he slipped. He gave her a reassuring hug, as if she was the one who was going to break. At that moment, she felt all her broken pieces stick back together. She needed to be strong. For Charlie. She looked him right in the face, his eyes bloodshot. "Charlie. Okay, I'm not the one who needs support right now. I'm here for you, okay? I'm stepping up and I'll be here for you." She tells him, tears pooling in his eyes, dropping down his face. He managed a nod and buried his face in her fragrant hair. He hugged her tightly. She whispered soothing words into his ear and kisses his cheek softly. He gives one giant sniffle and pulls away and wipes his tears.
"Okay, I'm okay." He says, nodding as she swipes his thumb across his soggy cheeks.
"Are you sure. It's okay Charlie. I know how much your grandfather influenced your music career." She says, hesitantly placing a hand on his shoulder. He crossed his arm over his chest and placed his hand on top of Meghan's. He gave a sad nod. He'd save the crying for later, right now he just wanted to be with Meghan, feel her body beneath his and touch his lips to her sugary sweet ones. He sighs, repressing his feelings. She catches the glimpse of passion in his eyes. She bites her lip. Will he be able to hold back if she only gives a little? Oh well, better find out. She places a gentle hand over her small bump, leaning in to kiss him gently. She pulls away, reveling in his taste, biting her lower lip in frustration. He reaches his hand up and cups her face, his thumb wandering to her lip and pulling it from between her teeth.

"Meg, stop." He smirks. He knows he needs to hold back, but he doesn't want to.
"Charlie, we need to not do...that. We need to go slow, even though we're engaged." She says, placing a hand on his peck to distance them. He nods, eager to get more of her lips. She allows one more subtle lip lock before pushing from the bed. She puts on a black scoop neck long sleeve shirt, paired with a white leopard print skirt and a light trench coat with shin high black boots, Half an inch heel. Charlie wears a white tee shirt with a grey flannel over it and loose jeans, ripped at the knees. Meghan straightens her hair and does her makeup, going downstairs for breakfast. Kelli made waffles and everyone eats in silence. Meghan and Charlie head to the ferry, that takes them to Boston, where they will have a three hour car ride to new Jersey. The car ride has just entered it's second hour of complete awkward silence that was making Meghan antsy. She touched his arm lightly, looking through the sound proof glass at the driver.
"Babe." She says, his attention focusing on her.
"Mmh." He asks, his eyes drinking in her beautiful features; her vivid green eyes.
"You okay?"
"I- I just..... it was so sudde-" she cuts him off with a nod and a gentle kiss.
"I understand." She soothes, placing the back of her chilled hand to his warm face in a gentle caress.

They arrive at Jersey and everyone approaches Charlie tentatively, all of them knowing that Charlie was the closest to his Grandpa than anyone. "Guys, I'm not completely broken, just a little shaken, so can everyone please stop acting like you're stepping on eggshells around me?"
Everyone apologized and nodded. "Are you sure, Char?"
"Yeah... he wouldn't have wanted this." He sighed, she rubbed his arm gently.
"Hey, you wanna embarrass Mikaela later?" He nodded.
"When do I not?!"

Later that day everyone was eating and making light conversation, Meghan gave a slight nod to Charlie who winked in response.
"So Mikaela you and Ryan have fun?" Mikaela looked shocked and a light red gently snuck up her features. Meghan and Charlie burst out laughing hysterically and everyone was surprised, but happy that Meghan had gotten Charlie smiling. "Sorry, Mikaela, me and Charlie saw you two on Nantucket." Mikaela just went a slightly deeper shade of red. Everyone laughs this time. The rest of the evening passes by quickly and Meghan and Charlie went upstairs and settled in bed. Both of them were lay on their side and Charlie's arms were wrapped around her waist, resting protectively over her small bump, his forehead was buried in the crook of her neck and she smiled to herself as she fell asleep. Her life was perfect in this moment.

The next morning she woke up and Charlie was gone, but the door to his bedroom creaked open and Mikaela walked in.
"What's up Mikaela?"
"Do you mind me dating Ryan?" She looked really worried.
"Mikaela, of course not. Why would I mind?"
"He's your brother?"
"Yeah... well he's a big boy. He'll be fine on his own." Mikaela laughed.
"Thanks Meghan."
"No problem, do you know where Charlie is?"
"He went to go get something from the store."
"Oh. Okay then. Ugh, I need a coffee."

"Bye mom, bye dad." Charlie smiled, kissing his mom on the cheek.
"Bye Charlie, stay safe, clear of cars." Deb warned. He laughed.
"Will do mom."
Then they were in a cab waiting to make their way back to LA. They arrived back at Charlie's apartment and Meghan collapsed on the bed. He chuckled.

"You have no idea." He yawned.
"I could take a darn good guess." Then they fell asleep, neither of them getting changed.

"Morning Char." Meghan smiled. She wandered into the kitchen to find that Charlie was making pancakes with blueberry's scattered around the plate.
"Morning babe." He greeted her, pecking her on the lips. He served the pancakes with orange juice and they sat down to eat it.
"We need a house. This place is fine for just you and me..."
"I know, we'll start looking. Tomorrow okay?"
"No, I've got a meeting with my manager. Wednesday?"
"Nope. My manager." He sighed, popping the 'p'.
She laughed, "We're busy people."
"Yup. True that."
"Nothing, you?"
"Nothing." He grinned.

Now they just needed to find a house.

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