Chapter Eight

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Or so they thought.

Not thirty seconds later, Charlie was coughing and spluttering, trying desperately to rid his throat of the tubes. The doctors stood shocked for what seemed like forever before, eventually, helping Charlie. Then just as suddenly as he was coughing, he was sleeping, his chest rising up and down, but not on accord of machinery. "Charlie!" Meghan gasped. She ran to his side and grabbed his hand and refused to let go. She wasn't sure if this was reality or some sick, twisted dream, but she was damn sure not gonna let go of his hand. His family breathed a giant, choral sigh of relief and Meghan stepped out only for the five minutes they spent crying together. She returned to his side, tears still blurring her vision. She was elated he was okay, as the doctors said, but also traumatized by prior events. She was scared that if she got too happy, he'd die again; this time for good. She cries, holding his hand tightly. His breath is steady. She watches it, her eyes not noticing the color reappearing on his face, or the fact it was pouring rain. She only noticed his breathing. Until he squeezed her hand. Her eyes shot in the direction of their hands, then up to his face. No change, but she squeezed back. She looked intently at his still paled face. There were no longer tubes there, now he was breathing on his own. The doctor entered behind her.
"Ms Trainor." She turned to face him but didn't speak or let Charlie's hand go. "I will tell you what I have told the rest of Mr Puth's family. Him breathing without the assistance of our technology is a miracle, truly. But, there is still no telling how long it will be before he wakes up. It could range anywhere from 2 hours to 2 days to 2 months we don't know. But, I have high hopes for Mr Puth to wake up in the next 5 hours."
Meghan nodded, "Thank you doctor." The doctor smiled at Meghan and left the room.

3 hours had passed and everyone announced that they were going home to get some sleep and they'd be back tomorrow. It was just Meghan and Charlie. Just as Meghan's eyes were closed and she was about to drop off to sleep she heard. "Meghan?" It was Charlie, his voice was hoarse and raw but it was him. His beautiful brown eyes had flickered open and were looking at her.
"Charlie!" She gasped. He was awake. She shot upwards and gently hugged him, tears slipping down her cheeks, but not unknowing, despairing tears, happy, delighted tears.
"Hey, Meg."
"Charlie- I love you."
"I know." She pressed a kiss against his lips, relishing the feel it had, cementing it in her memory, so she'd never forget what it felt like again. He smiled at her and she grinned back. Then he placed a hand on her slightly swelled stomach.
"You heard." She whispered.
"I heard everything, Meg. Every word, every sob, every reminiscent memory. I heard it all." She was crying now, hard, but she couldn't give less of a damn what she looked like. She had her Charlie back.

An hour later the doctor had come in and spoken to Charlie and Meghan, Meghan was now laying down on Charlie's hospital bed with him, enjoying every new moment she spent with him. Meghan sighed.
"What's up?"
"It's just... this whole thing has made me realize that nothing lasts forever." Meghan was stood up now, and Charlie's hand was resting on her stomach.
"Oh. Well, if nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?" He asked her. Meghan didn't understand what he was saying at first, but then he winced as he sat himself up and took both her hands in his, then she understood and tears started slipping down her cheeks. "Meghan, I love you, with all my heart, with everything I have, and you're the reason I woke up, I heard you speaking and I knew I had to open my eyes. And here we are. Look- what I'm trying to say here is- Meghan Elizabeth Trainor, I would be honored if you would spend the rest of your life with me."
Through her tears Meghan managed to nod her head and squeak out a "Yes." Before kissing him lightly. "I love you Charles Otto Puth."
"I love you more." He grinned. "So... I do have a ring. It's at my apartment, I was gonna propose before but... this happened."
"I don't care about the ring, Puth." She said, cupping his cheeks in her hands.
He smiled, but their intimate moment was interrupted by all of his family running in crying happily and hugging him. Over everyone swarming him, Charlie managed to catch Meghan's eyes and smiled. When Ryan got to Charlie he handed him a small box and, whispered in his ear.
"You look after her Charlie." Charlie nodded.
"I will."

When Ryan let Charlie go, he indicated for Meghan to come over again, and once again took her hands in his. "Meghan. We've already done this, but I want to do it right with a ring okay?" Meghan laughed and nodded slightly. "Meghan Elizabeth Trainor will you marry me?"
"Yes!" She squealed and everyone clapped as they kissed and he slid the ring up her finger.
"I love you."
"I know, Char. I love you too." They hugged and he whispered in her ear.
"Do you wanna tell everyone that doesn't know you're pregnant?" She nodded. "Um guys. To everyone that doesn't already know (A/N: which is literally Meghan's dad and Charlie's parents) Meghan is pregnant."

The rest of the day was just everyone celebrating. Charlie was alive, awake, and well. Meghan and Charlie were engaged and expecting a child. Today was a very much deserved day of happiness.

A/N: Kind of a happy ending. Well, to this chapter anyway. Hope you all enjoyed, see you next chapter hopefully.

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