Chapter Ten

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Meghan was sobbing as Charlie called for the doctor.
"Meg, calm down it's gonna be okay." He said, even though he wasn't entirely sure. There wasn't any blood.
"Charlie, no! What if we lose her too." She cried into his shoulder and the doctor rushed in. They did an emergency ultrasound.
"Meghan, it's okay. There is nothing wrong with your baby." The doctor says, flicking the machine off. Meghan breathed a sigh of relief and placed her hand on her stomach.
"I was cramping." She says.
"Thats completely normal in the first trimester." The doctor explains. She manages a meak nod, folding back into Charlie.
"Thanks." Charlie says as they leave.
"Char, I was so scared." She whispers, tears falling rapidly. "Scared we were gonna lose her like we lost the first and second ones." Charlie froze.
"S-second one?" Then Meghan remembered that conversation took place two floors up. She nodded.
"We were apparently pregnant before too, but that was just a heavy period, the baby didn't even have a heart beat."
"Meghan, I know when we lost the first baby you were devistated. You gotta stop beating yourself up about it, it was six months ago and the doctor said there was nothing you could do about it." He sooths, pulling her hair away from her neck and kissing her tears away. She sighs.
"I know I just feel like, since it was in my body, that I should've done something better." She sighs. He kisses her lips this time, rolling her on top of him. She sits with her knees digging into the bed right beside his hips, leaning down and kissing him.
"What do you think your doing?" Someone snaps behind them. Meghan quickly sits beside Charlie as Deborah stalks over to them, glaring at Meghan. "Meghan, my son is injured and your trying to have sex with him? Charles Otto Puth Jr you cannot marry a slut, I'm sorry." Deb fumes, Meghan bursting into tears.
"Deb, it wasn't like that." Meghan sobs.
"Yes it was, I want you out, right now!"
"Mom! You don't know the story, she was-"
"And your pregnant! Is it even your baby, Charlie?" She asks, Meghan crying harder. She yanks her arm, pulling her off the bed.
"Charlie." Meghan sobs.
"You need to leave." She says and pushes her forcefully, almost making her fall. She screams, putting her hands up to block her stomach.
"MOM! Enough, okay? I pulled Meghan on top of me. I missed her kisses, her touch. I just wanted to be close to her again. I missed out on almost two months of our child's life, I need to be there." He argues. Meghan is sitting on the floor, crying and holding her stomach. Deborah's eyes flash with sympathy.
"Oh my God. Meghan I'm so sorry honey, it's just that I go into mama bear mode when it comes to these kids." Meghan nods, slowly getting into crab position and pushing from the floor, ignoring Deb's hand out of fear. She stepped into the hall, muttering something along the lines of 'I need to go to the bathroom' and 'I'm hungry'. She just needed to get away from the hospital a bit and relax. Her hormones we're through the roof. She stepped into her apartment and breathed the first real sigh of relief in weeks. Charlie was okay and her baby was okay, that's all she needed. She may not be emotionally or mentally stable, but she was physically healthy enough to carry this child. "What do you wanna eat, little miss thang?" Her stomach growls in response and she laughs. "That can be arranged." She orders a pizza and when it gets delivered she eats it on the couch, reminiscing about all the times she sat on this couch with Charlie. Countless. When she finishes she slides under the covers and falls asleep. Her phone blares dear future husband and she slides to answer the call from the contact named future husband.
"Hello?" She asks, yawning and sitting up. Its 3am.
"You never came back." He pouts, causing her to laugh.
"I was hungry and wanted pizza." She says, leaning on her elbow.
"Well, I want pizza but I'm stuck with jello, so." He says.
"Yeah." She laughs. "When you get home we can eat all the pizza you want. When are you getting home. I mean we've been thinking about moving in together for months,I think it's finally time."
"Yeah, maybe you could get Ryan, Mikaela and Stephen to pack up my apartment and help you unpack it at your house?" He asks.
"Absoloutly, I'll text them in the morning."
"Make sure you don't carry any heavy boxes. In fact just stay at your house and have them do all the work."
"Charlie I'm no-"
"Meghan, please, I want you to keep the baby healthy."
"Ugh, fine." She sighs in defeat.
"Oh, shit okay the doctors coming. I think I'm getting out soon. Don't come tomorrow, just move, I'll be waiting right here for you."
"Okay." She sighs.
"I love you Meghan, goodnight."
"I love you too, Charlie. Goodnight." She says and hangs up the phone, instantly falling back asleep. When she wakes up again, she calls Mikaela and Stephen. They agree to help move Charlie and so does Ryan. They start coming in with the boxes, putting them where Meghan tells them, it's really only clothes and his musical equipment.
"Hey, Meg, there's only one box left and it's pretty light, can you go get it?" Ryan asks as he finishes setting up the keyboard. She sighs and nods, starting to go out the front door. She is only wearing leggings and a white long sleeve shirt with black lip prints on it, with her moccasins. Her blonde hair is curled and her makeup is done because she wanted to look good today. She starts to walk to the moving truck, realizing she'd have to climb inside to get the box. She steps up, into the truck, which is easier than expected. She looks around but doesn't see a box.
"Looking for this?" Someone behind her asks. She whips her head around, finding Charlie and a small box. She runs to him, careful not to hurt him. They go back inside and discover everything unpacked and the sibbilings gone.
"You know what I missed?" He asks, lifting her up and pushing her hips into the wall, gripping her thighs.
"What?" She asks, wrapping her legs around his hips and leaning in for a passionate kiss.
"You." He whispers and they make out, Meghan anchored to the wall and Charlie, utterly succumbed to her.

A/N: Holy crap. I have to give FULL credit to Lauren for this one as while I, Heyimbae , take full credit for Seven, this utter masterpiece was all her. Everyone go tell her how amazing she did in the comments. :D IM SORRY I KEEP FORGETTING TO UPDATE DONT HATE ME

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