Chapter Eighteen

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"I know." He says nodding. Tears start to form in her eyes.
"Charlie, we're gonna have our own little human." She says, tears dripping onto the table cloth in front of her. He reaches his hand over as she starts sobbing. He walks over, crouching in front of her. Her tears fall onto his hands and he wipes then away, delicately kissing the salty tears from her cheeks. Her eyes meet his.
"Baby, please. You've been through enough." He says, pulling her waist towards him. She hugs him around the neck and rests her head in the crook of his neck, her hot tears falling onto his skin. He lays down with her in bed, rubbing her back and blowing on her neck to cool her down, whispering sweet nothings in her ear until she falls asleep. He wished with all his heart she would stop hurting. He slowly and carefully untangled their bodies, going quietly to clean up dinner. He closed the door to the kitchen and pulled out his phone, calling Mikaela.
"Hey." She greets in a rushed tone, panting. She sounds like she just ran a Marathon. There is a low voice on the other end. Ryan. It dawned on him what was happening on the other end of the line, and he really didn't need to know.
"Ew, I called to ask you something feminine but I see your busy. Call me back when your alone." He says and hangs up, shaking the image from his mind.
"Charlie?" A small, scared voice squeaks from the doorway.
"Babe, cmere." She ran to him, jumping into his arms; he spins around, sitting her on the counter behind them in one swift movement. Her forearms are resting on his shoulders and she was holding tightly to her wrist, connecting her arms behind his neck. Her hips squeezed around his as she swung her legs back and forth, dangling them off the side of the granite counter top. He smiled. "What's up? You okay now?" She smiled, biting her lower lip and nodding. He bit the inside of his cheek, wondering how he ended up with the most angelic, beautiful creature on the planet. She allowed him one more second of being lost in her vivid green eyes, before she closed her eyes and angled her head, leaning on for a kiss. Their lips brushed lightly and he smiled into it.
"Yes?" He asks, their foreheads pressed together and one of his hands cupping her face, stroking her cheek with his thumb.
"Who were you on the phone with earlier?"
"My sister."
"Was she with Ry?" Charlie nods and makes a disgusted gagging sound, making her laugh. "I'd do anything for you, you know that right?" She asks, pulling their faces apart and looking him in the eyes.
"Of course. I'm always here for you, Meg, always." He whispers. She nods, closing her eyes and rest I g her head in the crook of his neck, wrapping her legs around him and her arms matching. She slid forward off the counter and he caught her, laughing as he carried her to the bedroom. A smile painted her lips as they laid in that position on the bed, cuddling. His arms were now around her waist. They fell asleep together. When Meghan woke, she smiled, loving nothing more than the feeling of waking up in the love of her life's arms. She was so relaxed in the moment, she fell asleep again.

Charlie woke up next, noticing his sleeping fiancee he tediously got out of bed and called his sister.
"Mikaela, not fucking anyone today?"
"Good. I need you to ask Meghan what her favorite flower is."
"I just- If I ask her, I'm obviously gonna buy her the flowers, you ask it's like girl talk."
"You really think we talk about flowers?" She rolled her eyes.
"Well I don't know what you talk about I'm not a girl!"
"Ugh, fine, I'll be there at like 2. You need to be out of the house though."
"Where am I meant to go?"
"I don't know, hang out with Ryan or something."
"Are you seriously suggesting I spend a few hours with the guy who's sleeping with my sister."
"Good point, go see Stephen."
"Mikaela." He whined.
"Bye Charlie."

He sighed and started making pancakes for himself and Meghan when she woke up. He served them with syrup and blueberries, strawberries and raspberries scattered across the plate. Just as he was setting them on the table Meghan emerged from their bedroom, wearing on of Charlie's shirts fit her like a slightly baggy dress. "Morning Char Char."
"Morning babe." He smiled, pecking her on the lips and pulling the chair out for her and waiting until she sat down to push her in.
"Bon apatite." He chuckled.
"This is amazing, thanks Char."
"Anything for my beautiful wife-to-be." She giggled. "Mikaela said she's coming over later, wanted to talk about something." Meghan nodded.
"But I've gotta go have that meeting with my manager soon so when she gets here I'll probably be gone."
"Oh. Erm, when did she say she'd be here?"
"About 2 I think. And I have to leave at 1:30."

Mikaela stopped off at the pharmacy on her way to Meghan's and found what she was looking for. She got the most reliable looking one and went to the counter. "I know you from somewhere." The cashier pointed out. Mikaela thought this weird since her brother was the famous one.
"I think you've got someone else." She laughs nervously.
"Mm, I must have. Oh well. 3 dollars, 95 cents please." Mikaela gave him a five dollar bill and waited for her change before flashing a forced smile and leaving the store.
"Well that was weird." Mikaela muttered under her breath and continued on her way to Charlie's apartment. She knocked on the door.
"Hey Mikaela."
"Hi Meg." She said shakily.
They both headed inside. "So what's up?"
"I, erm." She closed her eyes and sighed, pulling the box out of her bag and handing it to Meghan. "You're pregnant?!"
"Ssh! I don't know. Not yet anyway."
"Alright. You need to take the test. It'll be Ryan's right?" Mikaela nodded.
"Okay, it's pretty simple, go pee on the stick."
"Got it."

-Hey babes how are you all, love you guys and I hope you had a great day😘😊

P.S for all of you who don't know my name Hi I'm Jayleen😀

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