Chapter Nineteen

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"Is the time up?" She asked nervously. Meghan placed both her hands on Mikaela's upper arms and stared her in the face. 
"No. You asked the same thing 20 seconds ago. Keep it together. It'll be done when it's done."
"Okay, sorry."
"That's okay." Meghan smiled as she dropped her arms again. "Okay it's done."
"Ugh, you do it, I'm too nervous." Meghan nodded.
"Positive." Mikaela started crying and Meghan hugged her. "Hey, what's up?"
"I don't really know I just... me and Ry have only been dating a few weeks, how would he take this?!"
"Mikaela, it's fine. Ryan'll be fine. Come sit down." She suggested and Mikaela nodded. "Ryan'll be fine." Meghan reassured again.
"I just." She sighed and regained her composure. "What if he's not?"
"I'll kick his ass. I'm pregnant but I can still kick his ass." Mikaela laughed but another tear still escaped her red and puffy eyes. "Oh sweetie." Meghan sighed, wrapping her arms around Mikaela and enveloping her in a hug. Just then Charlie walked in. He raised an eyebrow. 
"Nothing." Mikaela said quickly, wiping her tears from her cheeks. Charlie still looked suspicious but gave Meghan a quick kiss.
"Hey babe."
"Hi Char. Could you erm, gimme a minute?" She asked, indicating to his little sister. He nodded and left the room. "You'll be fine Mik." She let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. 
"I hope so."
"Go tell Ryan, you want me to tell Charlie?"
"No!" She said quickly causing Meghan to raise an eyebrow. "I mean, no. Tell him when you guys a back off tour."
"That's three months away."
"I know. Please Meg." She looked at her pleadingly. She caved.
"Thank you. I gotta go, what's your favorite flower?"
"Just tell me."
"Umm Dahlia's."
"Right, yeah cool. Bye Meg." Mikaela smiled and hurried out of the apartment.
"Weird." Meghan breathed.
"Hey babe can I come out now?"
Meghan laughed,
"Yeah." He emerged from the bedroom and hugged Meghan.
"You ready for tomorrow?" He asks, looking at their piles of luggage. They leave for tour tomorrow. For three months. Then when they get back it'll be crunch time for the wedding, planning and organizing. Her mom has done a lot of it already but she still needed to find a dress.
"Cant wait." She says, smiling and leaning up to kiss him. She put her hands on her belly. "Char Char, I love us."
"I love us too, darling." He kneels down in front of her stomach, kissing it. She smiles and laces her hands with his, the pads of her fingers brushing over his palm before sliding between his. He smiled, pulling her waist closer and gently brushing her hair out of her face. She smiled and places her hands at the base of his hairline, stroking the back of his neck softly with her thumb. They eat the rest of the pizza from the previous night and go to bed, Meghan's back pressed to his chest and both of their hands resting on her stomach. She was almost three months now. They woke up at 5 am. He let her sleep while he got ready, then loaded all the suitcases into the waiting taxi. He ran back inside, hooked his arms under her knees and around her back, then carried her. She sat on his lap, doing her makeup in a small compact mirror she brought. Her hair was perfectly curled from the previous day. She laid her head in the hollow of his neck and he carried her onto the bus as his crew unloaded their belongings into their bunks. His bunk was big enough for the both of them, but they decided to take separate bunks anyways. That night, after they had been on the road for about 6 hours, Meghan laid her head on Charlie's lap and stretched out across the couch. His hand rested on her stomach. His band members sat on the other couch, that also faced the tv. They sat, watching spongebob. Something happened to spongebob, he tore in half or something if that nature, and Meghan burst into hysterical tears. She sat up, her head buried in her hands and her shoulders shaking with sobs. Charlie's band looked at one another, then to Charlie. He wrapped his arms around her and she buried her face in his shoulder. Her kissed the top of her head.
"Babe, what's wrong?" He asks, feeling the wet spots on his shirt.
"He just wanted his license." She sobbed. He held in his chuckles, his band members weren't so fortunate. She raised her head and glared at them. "You think I'm stupid?" She roared. The shook their heads. Charlie scoops her into his arms, taking her to the bunk area and closing the door. He sets her gently on the bunk.
"Meghan?" He asks, running a hand up and down her back. She looked at him and wiped her tears away, sighing. "You good? You okay?"
"No?" She shook her head, more tears falling from her red eyes. "Charlie, I close my eyes and I see you laying in a hospital bed, hooked up to all sorts of tubes and machines." She cries. He sighs and doesn't try to convince her otherwise. He just hugged her and stroked her hair until she fell asleep, then he carried her to the only full sized bedroom on the bus. She would need a queen sized bed if she was pregnant. He opened the door, carrying her through the living area to the other side of the bus, where he opened that door, crossed the room, laid her on the bed with a gentle kiss, and closed the door. He sat back on  couch. Within the next hour everyone had funneled into their bunks. Charlie's bunk was single, against its own wall. He pulled the curtain and laid down, falling asleep instantly. Meghan awake, seeking her fiancee. She quietly walked to the bunks, soundlessly peeling the curtain back from Charlie's bunk. She sat on the bed and he felt the dip. He groggily turned around and found Meghan. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his in a gentle caress. He gripped her hips, pulling her over. She laid beside him and dropped into a deep well needed sleep

-Hello beautiful/handsome people how are you all doing today?!😊💖
Hope you all enjoy😀😁

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