Chapter Eleven

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Meghan woke in Charlie's embrace. She checked the time and turned to face him, her small bump in between them. She was exactly two months today.
"Charlie." She whispered as she shook him awake.
"Mmh." He mumbles.
"Babe, we gotta pack. We leave tomorrow." She says, rolling to get out of bed. He grabs her waist and pulls her back to him, letting her straddle him. They kiss for a while, Charlie's hands flanking her hips and her fist gets knotted in his hair. He pulls apart, only to take a breath and begin again. She smiles against his lips, but reluctantly pulls away after a few more minutes. He groans in protest as she steps off the bed.
"Meg." He whines. She blesses him with a heart warming smile and the sweet sound of her laugh.
"Char, we gotta pack we slept in till 5pm. Our flight leaves early tomorrow." She orders, grabbing the suitcases down from the top of her closet. "Pack!" She orders and points to the suitcases as she goes into the bathroom to take the pills. She comes back to find Charlie hasn't moved. "GET UP!" she screams, she can feel the hormones coursing through her body. He sits up startled.
"OK, I'm sorry." He says, going to the closet and starting to grab clothes. She starts sobbing and he crouches down in front of her perch on the end of the bed. He takes her hands and looks up into her eyes.
"I'm s-sorry." She hiccups.
"Baby, there is nothing to be sorry for." He soothes, his reassuring touch on her thigh. She nods and her cries trickle off. He sits up next to her and gives her a hug, slowly rocking them back and forth. After a while she pushes herself from the bed and starts to pack. They finish and he goes out to the store for the airplane snacks. When he comes back, Meghan is in leggings and a blue, Nike, log sleeve shirt. She is vacuuming and has her headphones in, 'levels' clearly blaring out at full volume. He sets the food down and goes up behind her. She jumps and turns around.
"You dick!" She says between giggles.
"Hey!" He laughs as she playfully punches her arm. He finishes vacuuming and they cuddle on the couch. In the morning, they go to the airport and check in, waiting for their flight. They board the plane and Charlie has her hand in a death grip and she laughs, putting him slightly at ease.
"Still scared of flying?" She asks. He nods. After they've been in the air for a while, he relaxes and they eat the snacks.
"Meg?" Charlie lightly shakes her awake and she realizes she is on her parents couch.
"Already?" She asks while yawning. He nods.
"Uuuuughhhhhh. I don't wanna walk all the way upstairs." She complains. He smiles and hooks his arm under her knees and one behind her head, lifting her up. She wraps her arms around his neck and leans her head on his chest. Kelli and Gary watch as their soon to be son-in-law carries their daughter up to her room.
"They really love each other." Kelli says as she glimpses Meghan's smiling face.
"I know." Gary whispers to his wife. Charlie lays Meghan down on her bed and kisses her forehead, going downstairs.

"Mr and Mrs Trainor." Charlie nodded smiling.
"Please, Charlie, Kelli and Gary."
"Right. Sorry." They smiled at him. "So... Meghan's asleep already, she's super tired."
"I can only imagine." Charlie went to unpack everything and Ryan arrived because he was on a slightly later flight.
"Hey Ryan." Charlie greeted, the two of them had become really good friends as of lately.
"Hey, Charlie. Mom. Dad." He grinned and hugged them. Then there was a knock at the door and Meghan emerged from upstairs.
"Hi Ryan." She yawned, her hair was slightly messy but her makeup was still picture perfect.
"Hey sis!" He ran up to her and tackled her to the ground.
"Jeez! Chill out, you last saw me like a week ago why so excited?"
"I dunno." He smiled coyly.
"What're you planning?" She asked suspiciously.
"Sure... Anyway, Charlie!"
"Meghan!" He matched her enthusiasm. She shot a disapproving at him look to which he laughed and continued. Well, she just kissed him lightly on the lips and then he chased her around the entire house threatening to tickle her. When he caught her he tickled her 'till she couldn't breathe and whispered in her ear, "Did you take your meds yet?"
"Shit!" She whispered breathlessly and started for their room, which was Meghan's old room. "Where are they?!" She started panicking.
"Meg, they're here." He told her gently. "I'll go get you some water."

A few hours later Meghan, Charlie, Justin and Ryan were playing spin the bottle with Stephen and Mikaela, who'd flown over to Nantucket for a little while. The rules were simple:
They spin the bottle and then it's essentially truth or dare; but if they refuse the truth or dare (Depending on which they picked) they must spin again, and kiss whoever it lands on and if they refuse that, they must take a shot, well, everyone but Meghan must take a shot, Meghan has to kiss the person.

Simple. But as it turns out, slightly incest.

"Ryan! Truth or Dare?"
"Um, dare."
"Go downstairs, look really worried, and tell mom and dad that you got a girl pregnant after a one night stand."
"What? No!"
"Okay, then, spin. Baring in mind you might have to kiss me." Meghan teased.
"Ugh, okay okay! Can I tell them it's a joke?"
"After an hour." Ryan groaned before going downstairs and everyone heard him getting told off by his parents. Everyone laughed and Ryan returned a few minutes later. He spun the bottle and it landed on Meghan.
"Meghan, truth or dare?" He asked smugly.
"Greatest fear." He smirked.
"The fear of losing someone you love." Everyone understood why that would be her greatest fear; considering all she had been through recently.

It was nearly the end of the game and Ryan, Charlie and Mikaela had all done a dare, Charlie, Stephen and Mikaela had all done a shot and Meghan had kissed Charlie twice, Stephen once, Justin once and had done 1 truth.
It was nearly the end of the game. Charlie spun the bottle and it landed on Mikaela who sighed.
"Why is it always me?" Everyone laughed.
"Truth or Dare?"
"Erm, dare."
"Go and lick Kelli."
"No way!"
"Okay then, spin." Mikaela just nodded and rolled her eyes at her brother.
"Ryan!" Everyone, but Mikaela and Ryan, chorused. The two sighed and lent in to kiss each other, for some reason, there was something there, Mikaela made a mental note to talk to Ryan about it privately later.

Mikaela spun the bottle which then landed back on Charlie.
"Truth or Dare bro?"
"Dare. I like to live on the wild side." He winked and everyone laughed.
"Give Meghan a lap dance."
"What?!" Meghan chuckled. "No way, pregnant over here!" She protested but Charlie was on top of her and everyone was laughing their asses of at the pair, after a few minutes Meghan managed to push Charlie off of her and Kelli and Gary came in soon after.
"What are you guys doing up here?"
"Nothing!" Everyone said simultaneously, hiding the alcohol because over half of the people playing weren't allowed to drink yet.
"Sure." They laughed, leaving the room.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and headed up to bed. Well... everyone except Mikaela.

A/N: Dun, dun, dun! Mikaela and Ryan! Hope y'all enjoyed, tell us in a comment :D

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