Chapter 1

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I just have to say, college is literally one of the most stressful things ever. This adding on to my music career didn't help.

Regardless, I wasn't dropping out. My parents had paid money to get me in here, and I wasn't going to put that to waste. I was doing a job in music, but I took an art degree.

Art just seemed so much more peaceful. I could make money with my music until I got a job in arts. If arts didn't pay enough, I'd do both.

"Alright, we have a project coming up." A sigh of frustration sounded from my mouth. "You will be partnering up with someone. I'll be choosing to set up two different students for a diverse result"

I had to admit, partnering up sounded like a better plan. It would get done faster.

Professor Scratch began saying names and I only half-listened.

"Dave Strider, you'll be pairing up with Karkat Vantas" I have no idea who this guy is. He dismissed so we could get out of the classroom and "start working". Half of us are going to wait until last minute.

"Hey, we need to get this done." A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a man that was a little shorter than me. He had tan skin, but his arms had tattoos on them. A lot of tattoos.

I tried not to linger on him for too long. "Yeah, might as well get it done as soon as we can"

"I'm not rushing it. I'm taking my time. It's going to be fucking awesome before I send it in there. We should start early so it's the most amazing artwork to ever grace their eyes."

Fuck. A perfectionist. I'm not judging or anything, but they could be really hard to handle. I was a little too laid back for some people's taste. I figured that out from experience.

"You're Karkat, right?" I asked as we walked to a house I didn't recognize.

  "Yes, Strider. Amazing deduction. Welcome to my estranged abode full of lunatics I call my friends. If they bother you, just let them. There is no stopping them." He said, gesturing to the house.

  Wait. How the hell does he know my name and which one I am and I don't know anything about him. Well, I'll just dick-punch this motherfucker if he tries to murder me.

We walked into the house and the first room I see is the kitchen. It's a small space, but just enough for two people to move around. Cramped, but moveable.

Karkat leads me to another room, which is what I would assume is the living room. It has a teal beanbag chair sloppily thrown in the corner next to an old couch.

We sat down on said couch. Old, yes, but comfortable as hell.

"Ok, so Professor Ass decided to make us draw some god damn scenery, so what type of scenery should we do. Of course, if you make a shitty choice, we are starting the process all over again." He said.

  "Professor Ass?" I laughed. Professor Scratch was more than ass. He was the epitome of boring, repetitive lessons that everyone had heard at least 50 times.

"Yes , now make a fucking decision." Karkat grumbled.

"Alright. We could do a city landscape. Or if that's not your forte, we could do an ocean or something." He tilted his head from side to side a bit.

"Well, I figured an assload of people at going to do that same boring shit. We need to touch it up a little. Give it some pizazz."

"And how would we do that?"

"Oh my god, Strider, use that minuscule brain you have stored up in that platinum blonde head for once. Be creative. A simple landscape that we could find on Google isn't going to 'Wow' like you think it will."

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