Chapter 7

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We never watched that movie. Karkat fell asleep again not long after.

I liked the way Karkat slept. He had soft rhythm, so soft it could lull me to sleep. He didn't snore, which was awesome, and just made him even cuter.

I took the time while he was sleeping to look at his tattoos. They were gorgeous. The swirled around his arm and onto his shoulder flawlessly. I wonder who did them.

From the angle I'm at now, I can see he had one on his back that goes from his left shoulder and down to his midsection. It was a simple design, but was done in a way that made it look like it went under his skin.

He also had one right at the base of his neck that was two overlapping triangles. One pointed upwards, and the other pointed downward. I wonder what that meant.

I got bored, so I texted John. He was bound to be awake.

You: Hey Egbert
Egderp: Oh, hey Dave.
You: What ya up to?
Egderp: Trying to make plans with Vriska. Have I ever told you how busy she seems to be?
You: No, but I don't plan to learn.
Egderp: Ugh. What are you doing?
You: ...
Egderp: What?
Egderp: Are you at the police station? I know you and you're the type of guy to do something stupid and get in trouble for it.
You: No. I'm at my house. I guess I'm sitting in silence like always
Egderp: You're such a fucking weirdo. Geez.
You: I know, I know.
Egderp: Well, I gotta go. Talk to you later
You: Bye.

The conversation was over quickly, but you can't keep John from living a life. He's got a girlfriend. He doesn't have time to let me bug him nonstop anymore. I'm okay with that. Besides, I'm guessing I have Karkat now.

I could feel him moving around and he woke up. Timely, as always.

"Hey, Dave, can you bring me home later?" He asked after he had woken up.

"Yeah, sure. We have to take a bus, though." I replied.

"Whatever. I just don't want to fall asleep and miss my stop. I'm sure as hell not walking." He grumbled.

"Yeah." I answered, chuckling a bit.

We sat there in silence for a few minutes.

"So, what types of movies do you like?" I asked suddenly in an attempt to break the silence. Karkat blushed like he was embarrassed of it. What was there to be embarrassed about?

"I, uh, like romcoms." He muttered quietly.

I couldn't help but laugh. He never looked like the type of guy who would like movies like that.

"Shut your dumb face, Strider. It's all I could get my hands on when I still lived with my family. They just kind of grew on me." He said, knocking me hard in the shoulder.

"You don't seem like someone who would like them, though. It's just funny." I said, my laughter dying down.

"Oh, yeah? Well, you're whole obsession with red is weird." He said, looking around my room, at my red blanket, and at my school bag.

"How? It's just a color." I said back.

"And romcoms are just movies." He concluded, crossing his arms.

"Point taken."


Time passes by quickly, and I was taking Karkat home. He didn't have a bus card, so he had to pay the fare in cash.

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