Chapter 16

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I hit the floor like a bag of bricks would hit concrete; violent and hard. I could already feel the bruise of my cheek already beginning to form.

I looked back up and slid out of the way before Gamzee could make a another harsh swipe at me. He hissed a little through his teeth and lunged at me again, this time getting a score on my arm. That didn't hurt as bad as the one on my cheek did, though.

I made my first hit at him, punching him once on his shoulder as he tried to dodge me. I was able to step away from one his swings, stumbling around in an attempt to not trip on my own feet.

He swung again before I could reorient myself. He hit me square in the face. I felt a trickle of blood fall down from my nose and I sniffed.

I hit him, shoving him over as he did the same. We both fell on our asses, the side of his head just barely missing the coffee table.

Karkat was in the doorway and in between the two of us before I noticed he had even moved.

"What the fuck are you two doing?!" He shouted. I just scowled at Gamzee and wiped at the blood on my face. Gamzee grimaced at me as well.

"Are you two being massive bitchbabies?" Karkat sounded pretty pissed. I didn't answer.

"You two can't control yourselves for shit," his voice lowered significantly. He quickly checked us both for injuries that he couldn't already see, muttering about how we're idiots and how we need to learn to deal with things without fucking ourselves up.

"Okay. Tell me happened. And don't try to avoid me. You are telling me right now," He demanded after checking on us both.

"This piece of shit decided to swing at me simply because I was over here," I didn't want to tell him that I had threatened Gamzee.

  "Well, I had no clue that you were going to be over here. Maybe if Karkat over here told me shit like he used to," Gamzee was still angry as fuck. And what did he mean by 'used to'?

  "Gamzee, I have my reasons and that isn't an excuse for what you did. Neither is yours, Dave," Karkat huffed.

  I glared at Gamzee. He furrowed his brows and looked away.

  "Look, Dave, go back to the room. I'll be there in a minute. Gamzee, stay here. We need to have a little talk," Karkat said. I nodded and pulled myself up off of the floor, walking back to the bedroom and closing the door.

  I pressed my ear to the door in an attempt to hear what they were saying, but I couldn't hear them. I heard mumbles, but I couldn't make anything out. It was strange because you normally hear everything. They had to have been whispering.

  I suddenly heard something crash and I barely resisted the urge to shove the door open and slam my fists onto Gamzee's head again. The fucker deserved it.

  Just before I shoved the bedroom door open again, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I went towards the end of the bed so it looked like I was heading to bed even though I was actually trying to eavesdrop.

  The door flew open and shut just as quickly as it had opened. Karkat looked like he had just seen the most infuriating thing ever to be known to mankind.

  He let out a loud sigh. It was shaky and he didn't even spare my a glance before laying down, ready to sleep again. After all, our bickering is what woke him up.

  I was worried about him. He seemed incredibly upset and I want him to trust me enough to tell me stuff. I had already thrown my heart up for him and I want him to be able to do that with me.

  I slid into the bed beside him, laying a reluctant hand on his shoulder, only to feel it shake.

  "Are you crying?" I asked, concerned. Karkat never cried. He was strong, unlike me. He was always seemed invincible, even during that fight we had that one time. It never really struck me that he could cry, too.

  "No," Shaky. He was definitely crying.

  "Look, come here. You don't have to talk about it," I cooed, pulling him towards me. He turned his body around, but didn't look up at me. He wrapped his arms and legs around me and well as he could manage and laid there, shaking gently. I let him cry. He was always there for me when I was like this, so now it was my turn.

  "Shh, everything's going to be fine. You're okay," I tried to reassure him, but he let out a small sob instead. I held him to my chest as he shook a little harder.

  "It's not okay, Dave. I just. . ." He was cut off by his own small wail and I gripped him harder. I didn't ask why things weren't okay. He seemed to upset right now for that. I decided that I'd ask him in morning.

  I did everything I knew I could do to try and help him. He just kept crying. I think he'd bottled it up for so long that it probably felt good to just let it out. Sometimes you just have to cry or scream at nothing to feel better.

  "I'm sorry about this." He said quietly, still shaky with tears continuing to fall from his eyes.

  "Listen, Kat. You don't have to apologize to me. You haven't done anything wrong," I replied, brushing some hair out of his face and making an attempt to dry his tears.

  He grabbed my hand and held it tightly, almost crushing my fingers and I gripped him back. I wanted him to feel safe and loved. Karkat didn't deserve anything less than that. In fact, he deserved ten times more and I just didn't know how to give him that, so I settle for what I can give him.

  Once he'd calmed down and stopped crying as hard, I gave him a kiss on his wobbling lips. He held me close the rest of the night, not daring to let go.

  "I love you. I love you so, so much," I whispered to Karkat once he'd quieted down.

  "I love you, too. Don't ever forget that," He whispered back.

  I know, Karkat. Even if others call me your 'boy toy', I've heard those special three words from you so many times that it has to be true.

"Let's get that blood off of your face," He said.


Oh man that was super fluffy. Lots of development has occurred.

Anyways, I made Gamzee and Dave absolutely loathe each other mostly because in canon they hate each other.

They got into a fight and Karkat called them bitchbabies. Karkat woke up when he heard the weight of two grown ass men hitting the floor. That'd wake me up too and I'm a deep sleeper.

Also Karkat has now cried. He has a very ugly cry when he's REALLY upset about something. He had an ugly cry in this chapter.

I love not telling you guys why characters are sad and why they do or don't do certain things.

Alright, bye!


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