Chapter 11

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  "So, Dave. When are you going to take me to see your family?" Karkat asked. I looked up at him from my spot of the floor.

  "Well, about that. I was wondering if we could just not do that," I said, a nervous grin making its way onto my face.

  "Why? I mean, you could meet my family first but you're going to take me to see yours sometime in the near future," Karkat suggested. I hesitantly nodded.

  "Yeah. Let me meet your family first. We have to tell our friends. How about we do that first?" I was evading the issue. That's what I always did.

  "Dave, most of our friends already know about us. It's been four months, did you think they wouldn't catch on?" He was looking at me like I was an idiot.

  "Ugh, fine. When?" I groaned in defeat. I wasn't getting out of this one. This guy wasn't like my exes, that's for certain. They never bothered with my family and I never bothered with theirs.

  "How about next week. I've already talked to them about it." He answered.

  "You already asked? Without telling me first?" I asked incredulously.

  "Well, yeah. I know you would've tried to run away from it and now you can't. They're expecting us to come over," He was right, as always.

  I groaned loudly and crawled up onto his couch, tangling myself up with him. He held me closer even if I was being pretty annoying. I think it was mostly because he liked to cuddle. He didn't look like a cuddler, but trust me, he is.

  I pressed my face into his hair and relaxed. He was warm. He was my own personal body heat provider. He also made me food, so I wasn't surviving on fast food, microwave dinners, and apple juice, and that was a plus.

  I hummed into Karkat's hair and he didn't make an effort to stop me. He slid his hands down my sides and it was nice for a second. Then grabs my waist, and I shoot up from my spot as he started ruthlessly tickling me.

  "Karkat, if you don't stop, I'm not responsible for any injury you may receive," I threatened jokingly. I was serious about the injury thing though.

  "Oh really?" He asked, still tickling my sides as I laughed and flailed around helplessly.

"Yes!" I yelled through startled laughter. I squirmed around until I could push his arms off of me. He took that as a defeat and put his arms around my neck, pecking my cheek lightly.


I dreaded this day but it was finally here. I promised a few hours ago that I would call my parents and tell them that I had someone for them to meet. Let's hope they don't pull a stunt about Karkat being a guy when we went over there. I hadn't even come out to them yet, so this ought to be interesting.

I pressed the contact that had 'Mama' on it. What, my southern side showed through sometimes.

I sat and waited nervously for her to answer. I hoped she wouldn't quiz me on Karkat so I could just face her in person and see her in person once more if she decides to disown me.

"Hello? Dave?" A soft voice picked up on the other end.

"Hey, Mama." I answered.

"Dave! It's been a while since you called! How are you?" She chirped cheerily.

"I've been good, what about you?" I asked. Yes, small talk, do my work for me. Please, I want to avoid this situation.

"I've been wonderful, dear, thank you. Is there anything you need?" She asked. Fuck, never mind the idea of avoiding the situation.

"Uh, yes, actually. Um, there's something pretty important that's come up and I was hoping you'd be able to hear about it." I said. I could hear her hum, urging me to continue.

"Well, I found someone and I was hoping you could meet them soon." I answered, being careful not to say 'he'. I wanted to tell her in person.

"My little Dave has a girlfriend!" Girlfriend? No. You're really setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment there.

"Heh, uh, yeah, well I was wondering when you'd want me to come over. I was thinking maybe sometime next week?"

"Oh, of course. How about next Tuesday. Your father is off then," She suggested. I agreed and we bid our farewells and I hung up as quickly as possible, sighing heavily when I was done.

Coming out is going to be fun. She thinks I have a girlfriend. I'm hoping she won't freak out when I bring a guy instead. Especially a guy who looks the way Karkat does.

I went to text Karkat directly after I hung up. He told me to tell him when I called my parents about it.

You: Hey, babe.
Karks <3: Hey. Did you tell them?
You: Yeah. But there's a tiny little catch
Karks <3: And that is?
You: They don't exactly know that I'm gay... I kind of never told them.
Karks <3: Dave.
You: Yes...?
Karks <3: You are a massive fucking idiot. Why didn't you tell your parents that you're gay? And what are you going to do? Tell them then?
You: That is precisely what I was going to do.
Karks <3: Dude.
Karks <3: Dave. Why? Why would you do that?
You: Well, I wanted to do it in person. And for you to meet them. Killing two birds with one stone here.
Karks <3: You're insane.
You: Yeah. But they said next Tuesday. Do you have work then or what?
Karks <3: No but I've got the 3am shift the next day so I can't be out late.
You: Ok. Sweet. What day did you say your family wanted to meet up again?
Karks <3: On Saturday
You: Alright.
Karks <3: Anyways I've gotta go. I'm at work and if they find me on my phone while I'm supposed to be stocking shelves then my boss's going to shove his foot so far up my ass that I'm going to be tasting it for weeks.
You: Lol, ok. Love you
Karks <3: Love you too.

Okay, so Karkat didn't seem too enthusiastic about my plan. It's too late to change it now, though, so I might as well face the consequences.


*takes in a massive breath of air*


But yeah I'm back with a new chapter (yay) and I'm pretty happy with this. Also, notice the slight change in Karkat's contact name. Shits getting serious there.

Anyways, it's nice to be back. I haven't been writing much recently. I've been on the worst writers block. I'm so sorry about the wait.

But I have practiced and improved a little. Even if it was just a smidgen, improvement is still improvement.

Some small notes that I don't think need to be imbedded into the story are:

Karkat works at CVS
Karkat learned to drive during those four months
Dave still hasn't gotten his shit together

That is all.

Alright, gotta go. See ya later!


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