Chapter 10

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"Why don't you want to talk about it?" I asked. I was concerned for him. Karkat's never been this unpredictable. At least, not around me.

"Because I don't, Dave. Is that reason not enough for you?" He snapped.

"I'm just worried, okay. I just want to know what's wrong." I tried to reason with him.

"Don't then. Don't worry about me. I can handle myself just fine. I'm a grown man and I don't need someone to hang over me." He huffed, crossing his arms.

"Karkat, we both know that it's almost impossible for me to not care about you. I'm not trying to hang over you. I just want to know what's going on. You're being jumpy and irritable." I kept trying to tell him this. He didn't want to listen.

"That's rich. You're supposedly 'not trying to hang over me'. Then what are you doing right now?" Karkat barked. I didn't want to argue, but sometimes that's what has to happen.

"Why are you acting like this?" I was getting angry. He was just being so annoying. Karkat never acted like this.

"I'm not acting like anything." He was getting pissed. I could already hear the yelling.

"Yes you are. You're being snappy and unpredictable. Do I have to walk on eggshells the rest of the day?" I said.

"No one said anything about eggshells. I never said you had to veer around me or avoid any topics. You're the one jumping to conclusions." He snarled, getting in my face.

I scowled. Karkat was getting on my last nerve. Why is suddenly angry? What did I do?

"Well it sure seems like it!" I raised my voice a little. Karkat was completely unfazed and sat there, his scowl deepening.

He finally let out a huff. "Maybe I don't want to be an open book. You always are. You let everyone in. You don't care! It's ridiculous!" His voice began rising too.

"Since when do I not care? I may be an open book, but I'm not stupid! I know when to stop being around people, unlike you! You let Gamzee stay in your life! He's a drug addict for fuck's sake." I yelled.

He just looked at me for a moment. Stood there in silence and stared me down.

"You don't know what connection I have with Gamzee." Karkat said, oddly quiet.

"What is you connection then, hm? You two seem to be awfully close. Closer than I care for." I crossed my arms and looked at him expectantly.

"We've been best friends since we were little kids. I wouldn't expect you to have someone like that. Gamzee and I are closer than you will ever know. You have no right to say that he should get out of my life. You've only been in my life for, what, two or three months?" He said.

  I sat there in silence for a moment. Karkat looked like he knew he won the argument.

  "Karkat, I know you care about him, but we both know that he's not good for you." I dropped my voice considerably. I didn't want to argue anymore, I just wanted to help him. Its pathetic because I don't know how.

  "Whatever. It just pisses me off when people say that they know him better than I do. No one knows him better than I do. Not even his own, no good, lying, cheating family. His family never cared about him anyway. The only person in his family that even bothered to give him a chance was his brother." Karkat said, his voice lowering as well. He looked like he could cry.

  "Listen, I get that- " I started, but he didn't let me finish.

"Let's just get off the topic of Gamzee. He's not why you decided to start an argument the second you walked in my house." He was getting snappy again.

"I didn't start it, but oh well. It was apparently about me being an 'open book' or whatever." I can't say anything about his attitude when I have one myself.

He clasped his hands together condescendingly and gave me a sarcastic smile.

"Oh yeah, the whole thing about you letting everything show. About you not having any shame at all." Karkat said with a sickly sweet voice.

We argued some more until both of our faces were red.

"I just. . . I don't know why this argument even started." I gave up on it. I didn't want to argue anymore.

  "I don't either." He choked a bit on his words. I just hugged him. I let him stay there and so whatever he needed. To talk, to cry, whatever.

  He made me sit down and it wasn't until then that I realized how tired my legs were. How long were we arguing for?

  Karkat just picked up the rest of the glass and sat down with me.

  "I don't want to talk about depressing stuff anymore. Can we watch a movie?" He mumbled. "I don't have a TV in here so we would have to go to my room. Does that even matter at this point?"

  Movies sound awesome. I nod and we go into his room. I find myself in here a lot. It smells like the shitty Febreeze that Terezi insists on having.

  He puts a movie into his game console and we watch it.

  He cried at the fucking movie. He just made the cutest face at the "stupid, cute fucking couples" in the movie.

  Note: Karkat cries during romcoms.

  I don't even know what happened after that. I didn't feel like quizzing him on his family, especially not after having an argument.

  Not a cool thing to do. Never will be. Don't ask people about things that make them sad. If they don't want to answer it, don't make them.

  I didn't go to sleep like he did. That's pretty much what Karkat does; be angry, sometimes be cute, and sleep.

  I wonder what he's dreaming about. I mean, if he's dreaming at all.


I groaned as Karkat sat at the head of his bed, writing in that godforsaken notebook of his. I pushed him with my feet until I got his attention focused on me.

"What? I'm busy." Karkat said, looking at me with annoyance.

"What you writing?" I asked, propping myself up on my stomach, resting my head on my hands.

"I already told you once. The notebook is for stuff I have to remember." He closed the notebook and slid it into his backpack.

"I know, but what's in it?" I pried.

"Schedules, doodles, people's names, things like that." He explained. Could this man be any more vague?

Yes, yes he could. He's vague about everything; it's almost like he's afraid to let me in.

Should I worry about that as much as I do?



I'm trying to write but school and stuff. Yep.

This took a while. I like it. They needed to argue bc their relationship seemed too cliche.

It's still a little cliche but yeah. I don't date at all. Like AT ALL. So I'm really basing this off of fanfics, romance books, and chick flicks.

I hope you guys liked it!


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