Update on Hiatus

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Okay, so I'm sorry to say this, but I'm discontinuing this story. I just have zero motivation for it, it's horribly written in all honesty, and my style has changed. Only to add on to that, I have no idea where I'm going with this story.

I'm sorry to those that enjoyed All in Time but I just can't seem to finish it. I might even rewrite it sometime in the future but, as of now, I cannot see it going anywhere but south.

This story was fun while it lasted, but now it feels like a chore. I don't want my fanfictions to be a chore. I want them to be something I do for fun and to entertain others. This one doesn't feel like it does that anymore.

Once again, I apologize to those that enjoyed it, but there's just no way I can finish it with the state it's in now. On another note that I have mentioned previously, I might rewrite it sometime. It's not gone forever, just not going past where it is and staying in its original state. It must change if it's going to go anywhere.

But, that is all I have to say on it for now. If I do decide to rewrite it, I will make another update and tell you all. It will be written in a separate story so that improvement can be noted, but for now, it is over.

Thank for the tremendous amount of support I have gotten for this story. I truly appreciate every vote, every comment, and every read I got. Thank you all for being there while I was writing this. Thank you very, very much.



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