Chapter 25

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  It's been a few months since Karkat first noticed my progress, and now it's been noticed by John, Jade, Roxy, and even Terezi. I'm proud of myself.

  Karkat's graduating in a few weeks. I was a year below him, in my junior year, so I still had a while to go, but that won't stop me from absolutely doting over him.

"I'm so proud of you, Kat," I said, giving him little kisses on his face and neck.

"That is the thirteenth time you've said that in the past half hour. I get it." Karkat laughed gently. He was enjoying it, but he didn't want to admit it.

"But I'm making sure you won't forget," I retorted, giving him another kiss on his jawline before moving back up to his cheek.

  We were at his house again. I ended up here a lot, but I liked it. His house was nice, aside from the asshole-clown that huddled away downstairs like an ugly gremlin. Karkat was the grumpy-but-super-fucking-adorable gremlin, Terezi was the blind-girl-that-hits-you-with-her-cane gremlin, and Sollux was the I'm-having-girlfriend-issues-don't-talk-to-me-ever-again gremlin.

  Karkat was half asleep already, despite it being only nine at night. He liked to sleep. He hasn't slept as much recently, but it was still more than me. I'm trying to get better, though.

  I just let him fall asleep when his eyes closed, because once he's out, he's out for the rest of the night unless something loud wakes him. I just stayed in my spot, my face shoved into his shoulder and my arm wrapped around his.

  I looked at him as he slept again. His soft breathing was nice and his face was cute. It was all squished up against his shoulder. It made him look like a giant baby, honestly.

I gave his cheek one more peck before laying down next to him. I had taken my medicine an hour earlier, but it hadn't kicked in until now. My eyelids were starting to droop with tiredness for the first time in years.


He was breathing down my neck. I knew it was him just by the feeling. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't seem to get my voice to make a sound.

I wasn't in a childhood version of myself this time. I was in my normal, adult body. I felt my body shake heavily as he walked around me.

Dirk was terrifying. He still had the bright orange eyes from my last nightmare. I didn't feel like the life was being sucked out of me, but my chest did hurt a little.

I made the foolish move to try and push him off, obviously getting the immediate retaliation. I felt his fist hit me hard and I toppled over. I didn't fight him back as he kicked me over and over. I felt like I couldn't move my limbs, much less hit him with them.

"You're so fucking pathetic. You don't even try, do you? That's why everyone hates you. That's why you have no friends. It's because they don't want to be dragged down by you. I'm the only who even tries to put up with you, and this is how you repay me? You're the reason Mama and Daddy are dead, you hear me?" He ridiculed. I shook a little before nodding. I was the reason they died.

"Yeah, I knew you at least had a little bit of brain in ya. Not a whole lot considering what a dumb faggot whore you are, but a little. Now get up," He said. I was suddenly able to move my body. I got up and lifted my fists, which was an unfair competition to his sword, but since was he ever fair?

Dirk smirked heavily as he rushed at me. I saw his sword almost pierce me. I moved, but not fast enough. He shoved me to the ground again.

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