Chapter 5

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(NOTE: This is placed a few weeks after the last chapter)

I need to get up off my lazy ass and do something. Yeah, its Tuesday, but Roxy's bound to have some crazy shit for me to do.

I got up and shoved my jacket on again. My phone vibrated while I was doing that. Karkat had just texted me. Holy shit, it's a miracle.

Karks: Hey asshole.
Karks: I need something to do
You: I'm going to my sister's bar. You wanna come?
Karks: Sure. Why not. God knows I need it

I wonder why he needs it. Oh well, I can't be as nosy with him as I can be with John.

You: Alrighty then. Meet me on Main Street.
Karks: Ok. I'll meet you there

Sweet. I am now a man. I can have friends out and it not be John. He's probably out with Vriska anyways.

I walk all the way to Main Street, just as promised. It was a short walk but, as always, extremely congested.

Soon, I saw a jacket-clad shortie walking towards me.

"Hey, Bulgefucker." Karkat grumbled, adjusting his zipper.

Again, with the creative insults.

"You ready to go?" I said, bowing like the classy gentleman I am.

Karkat laughed. It was a low chuckle, but still a form of laughter. Holy shit. Karkat, Mr. Grumpy McShouts, just laughed at my stupid joke.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go already." He said, smacking my outstretched hand away lightly.

My sister owned a small bar out on the ghettos of New York City. It was called the Moonsetter.

It has been broken into multiple times, but still ran perfectly fine. It's mainly because would Roxy beat the ass of whoever decided they wanted to rob or assault her. She isn't weak, that's for sure.

The pink light of the sign contrasted well against the darkness of the street and definitely brought attention to itself.

We walked in and a small bell rang. There was music playing quietly throughout the building. There were only a few people here. Business wasn't exactly fast since she wasn't on top and there were some great bars here in NYC.

"Coming!" I heard Roxy call from in the small kitchen. "Oh, hey Davey! It's awesome seeing you here!" She smiled and walked out from behind the counter to give me hug, squeezing me harder than necessary. She always did that.

"Ooh, you brought a friend. Who is he?" She said, noticing Karkat.

"I'm Karkat Vantas. And you are?" He said, holding out his hand for her to shake.

"Roxy Lalonde, owner of the Moonsetter." She giggled and shook his hand.

She turned to me and said "Good catch, Dave. He's a cute one." Then she walked back behind the counter and left me a blushing mess.

"Quirky sister you got there." Karkat muttered as we walked to the counter.

"I know." I answered.

We sat down at the counter and ordered something cheap so that we could afford more than one: beer. Simple and delicious.

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