Chapter 6

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We continued with our whole macking session and I only had one thought on my mind: 'God damn it, Karkat, just fuck me already'.

I moved to a better position. I sat on his lap despite the fact that I was taller than he was. I closed my eyes and smiled while he fumbled with my shirt.

Holy shit. He's the cutest thing when he's drunk.

He finally was able to get if off and he tossed it to the side and our sweet, sweet make out time ensued.

Karkat was really, really handsy. He ran his hands down my back and landed on my unsuspecting rump.

I jumped lightly at the contact, but relaxed into it and his thumbs slid gently into the hem of my pants.  The tugged at them and I lifted up a bit to let them be taken off.

So there I sat, perched in his lap in nothing but my boxers.

"You have really nice legs." He said, gazing at the pasty things.

"Really? They look more like white sticks to me." I said. He looked back up and rolled his eyes at me.

He ran a hand from my knee to my thigh. My pervy Pinocchio began to rise a little and I sighed. He smiled and lightly touched me, making me moan quietly.

Next thing I fucking know I'm on my back and Karkat is over me.


"Now, Karkat, I'm not going to be the only one naked here. Take off your pants." I ordered when he tried to take off my boxers.

He did as he was told, but definitely took off more than his pants. I blushed and bit my lip as he pulled off my boxers.

"Wait. We should probably put on lube or some shit. You have any?" I asked. I am not letting him go in my virgin ass dry.

"Jesus fuck, Strider. Why would I have lube on me?" Karkat said, putting a hand to his face.

"I don't know but you are not going in dry. I'll suck your dick if I have to." I blurted out that last part.

"Do it then. Neither of us have lube or lubricated condoms, so shape your shit up and improvise." He teased, pressing two fingers to my forehead.

And I did. I sucked his dick to make it slick and wet. Do you have any idea how hard sucking a dick is? Pornos make it look way too easy.

It was still hot, though. I think my favorite part was when he gripped the bedsheets and practically begged me to keep going.

With all the moaning you can imagine the disappointment when I stopped.

"Alright, all slick and ready to go." I said, crawling back over him again.

All he does is nod and blush. What a fucking cutie.

I position myself and slowly go down, adding leverage by placing my hand on Karkat's chest.

It fucking hurt.

He groaned lightly as I lowered down onto him, but I let out a quiet shuddering noise. It felt so good but hurt so much at the same time.

"You okay? You sound like a fucking kicked puppy" Karkat asked, concerned. At least he didn't want me to hurt myself.

"Yeah. It just takes some getting used to. It's not like I've been fucked in the ass before." I mumbled, trying to adjust.

Once I did, I began to move up and down. Now that I wasn't as uncomfortable, it began to feel better. Pleasure over pain I guess.

"Oh, fuck, yes." I mewled softly. Karkat held my hips and pulled me down a little harder. He was thoroughly enjoying himself and so was I.

"Karkat, please." I whined. I could feel it building up. I kept moving, getting faster and faster.

I let out a fairly loud moan when he hit what I assume to be my prostate. Who knew that shit felt so good? It's like a g-spot for guys.

"Dave, shit, keep doing that" Karkat muttered, sighing and moaning like a cute little fucker.

I didn't last much longer after that. I came especially hard and I liked it. Karkat didn't last much longer either.

It hurt to get him to pull out too. Admittedly, it wasn't as bad as getting it in there.

I plopped down on the bed with a satisfied groan. I knew the neighbors would come complaining tomorrow, wondering what shenanigans I'm up to with all this noise, but I didn't care.

Karkat used a towel from my bathroom to clean us both off and then slid his boxers back on. Odd habit, but understandable.

"What? It feels weird to sleep naked. You can do whatever the fuck, but I'm going to at least have some god damn underwear on when I sleep." He said.

I cuddled up to him, pulling his head onto my chest and laying there. He didn't fight it and just sighed contentedly.

"Hey, Kitkat?"

"Don't call me that. What?"

"I love you."

He hesitated for a moment, as if wondering if he should say this or not.

"I love you, too"


  I woke up to Karkat fast asleep on the other side of the bed. He was facing away from me.

I looked at the time on my alarm clock. 09:37. I tried to sit up, but I was immediately hit with a headache and a sore back.

Fuck it. I'm not doing shit today.

I heard rustling next to me. I looked over to see a dreary-eyed Karkat.

"What time is it?" He asked groggily.

"9:40" I answered "Plenty of time for a cuddle session. Maybe a movie or two."

I wriggled over to the middle of the bed, ignoring the pain in the small of my back and he rolled over to look at me. I pulled him over and tangled us into a mess of limbs and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Did you mean what you said last night?" I asked, twisting little strands of his hair on my fingers.

"What do you mean?" He asked back.

"You said you loved me. Is it true?"

"Yes, of course it's fucking true. I may say a whole bunch of stupid shit when I'm drunk but that will never be one of those things." He said, snuggling up next to me for emphasis.

I smiled and hugged him closer and we just laid there like that.


Hi there.

I finally wrote the smut are you proud of me now?

I am so embarrassed oh my goodness (///m///) take it. Just take it.

It was so awkward to write. I don't understand

I'm not even sure if it's anatomically correct

Oh well. Pls don't hurt me.

Anyway...I tried my best and you are going to take it whether you like it or not

Jk you can give my some feedback

See you again soon, my little ones


All in TimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora