First Fight

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"I can't believe you Luke Robert Hemmings!!" you shout at him. "You can't believe me! I can't believe you Y/N!!" Luke yelled back. "Your such a jerk, you bastard!" You yell at him. "Me I'm the one who always causes the problems y/n. Well what about you y/n!!" He yells. "I'm not saying It's always you Luke I do a lot of it too! Don't you dare say I don't make problems!" Y/n why are we fighting?" Luke asks. "I don't know I think it was about what to eat for dinner because you wanted pizza and I wanted Chinese. We are so stupid." you say in response. "Yeah we are I love you y/n." he said giving you a kiss.


 "I can't do it any more Calum!" you yell. "Why y/n just because of some hate I love you and that should be enough." he yells back. "It's not because of hate it's the fact that I never see you anymore." you yell. "I see you almost every week Y/N!" he yells back. "I know but your my boyfriend your supposed be here all the time because we live together. I moved in so I could see you more and I don't so I'm done  Calum." you say walking out the front door. You then fell a pair of strong arms pull you into a hug. "I love you Calum. "You say into his chest. "I love you to y/n." He says before bringing you in for a kiss.


 "Hey Ashton!" you say excitedly when you get home. " Cant you see I'm busy y/n!" He said angrily. "Well I'm sorry I'll just go you obviously don't want me here. " "Your right y/n I don't." Ashton yelled back. "Fine!" you say them stomp off. It took him a minute to follow you out to the car realizing what he did. "Y/n wait." he said stopping you. "What Ashton!" you say. "I'm sorry for snapping. I love you please come back inside. You don't reply instead you softly kiss him and go inside. The two of you hung out and talked for the rest of the night.


"It my turn to have the TV y/n!" Michael yells. "Your turn. You are always playing video games I only use the TV when my show is scheduled to play." you yell back. "Then record the damn show I was in the middle of a game!" Michael yells. "I'm going to our room do what you want Michael!" you say then walk off. "y/n wait." Michael says stopping you. Listen to us we sound like little kids." Michael says. "Your right we were fighting over the TV." You say laughing. "We are so immature why dint we realize there's another TV upstairs?" Michael says. "I have no idea." you say. The two of you decide to just watch a movie and cuddle for the rest of the night.

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